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Female Lives in denver, California, United States Born on August 19
by on July 10, 2022
     Today I was able to make it to the monthly Swap Not Shop DTLA event, hosted by Vicky, at the First Draft Taproom & Kitchen - DTLA.Which is a wing and burger restaurant and brewery, I did not purchase any food this time because I checked it out alone. Next month I'd like to go with some friends and make it a lunch swap day!!! The food looked and smelled AMAZING and it was happy hour so the wings were A DOLLAR EACH!!! What a great deal!!! Swap Not Shop DTLA is a small gathering hosted by Vick...
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by on May 23, 2022
     This Past Weekend 5/15/22 I went to Green Street Festival, my brothers Jake, and Jiv had built the booth for #goodtree. They did an amazing job. It was hands down the most beautifully represented booth area!!! I also enjoyed the event with my friend from Cannapolitan Magazine. It was sooo much FUNNN!!! I missed MMJ events!!! They were giving out so much swag, I won't be able to list every vendor, but if you check out the article you can see everyone who participated.  (https://cannapolit...
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by on May 23, 2022
On Thursday I was looking through Eventbrite for free shows for the weekend, (Thank God shows are back!!!)  when I happened to stumble upon a free massage!!! It was a free scalp massage, provided by Pure Skin & Scalp Wellness. While going to open the event I thought to myself, I wonder what's the catch... So I dig further to find out the details because I could really use this opportunity. I read the information and I called the Studio to find out, it is in fact, a free treatment  by appointment...
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by on January 26, 2022
VR- "Virtual Reality" is an imersive experience created with technology. It allows the user to feel like they are in the experience. Providing a 360 degree view of the enviornment. VR definition-      noun ...
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by on October 18, 2021
I had a wonderful weekend running around LA!!! It has been so nice being back home :). It started out at the office, we had to work Saturday. As night time started approaching I got an invite to Whiskey a Go Go in Hollywood to see #Drift perform. I messaged my brother and had him come with me. He is born and raised in LA and has never been to the Whiskey a Go Go, I was so excited to take him for his first time!!!  While I was waiting for him to show up I befriended #paradisevultures. Such great ...
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by on September 27, 2021
The Last time I updated you all, I had moved back to Colorado! I love Colorado, and I had an amazing time, so many incredible adventures. Mostly consisting of nature and friends. I do not know what it is about that beautiful state, but it has magical healing powers. I always am able to reconnect with the earth and create ever lasting memories. If you are a traveler and have never been to Colorado, I HIGHLY recommend it. I would suggest living there for at least a year a two, but fairly enough th...
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by on September 13, 2021
This weekend I went to Las Vegas, my home away from home. I was able to spend some time with a good friend of mine, a former 420nurse, idk if she wants to be named because of her current job, so I will call her Beauty. She is currently working at 5 Star Helicopter Tours, with the friends and family discount I was able to experience one of their top notch options!  I was able to tour the Grand Canyon!!! It was about a 45 min ride to the Grand Canyon from Las Vegas, we were traveling at about 120M...
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by on July 10, 2020
Happy 710 everyone, I hope everyone had a good day considering we couldnt attend any dab events. I stopped by bgood mmj to pick up some treats, while there I did a quick 10 minute photoshoot, and they loved having me there! I just moved back to Colorado so I have only stopped in a couple times but I will most definetly be a regular face here!! <3  considering we would usually be attending an event for a day like this how did you ladies and gents celebrate our quarintined 710?? 
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by on July 8, 2020
So after living in Las Vegas for a few years, I have up and moved back to Colorado, my life is pretty unpredictable in that nature. I am so happy to be back in Colorado. It has only been a few weeks and right when i got back i met up with a best friend of mine. We were originally going to just record some music, we are working on an album, and next thing i knew we were off to a camping adventure. We ventured up to a mountain did some mineing and then the next day we woke up and ventured off to a...
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by on April 12, 2020
Happy Easter Sunday, I hope everyone had an amazing Easter morning with there loved ones, this Easter is much different than most because of the obvious quarintine we are experiencing.. However i hope everyone found a way to still enjoy the day and i know you put so much stress on yourselves as some of you are parents and just remember youre kids love you and it would always make them so much happier to see you happy and playing with them over stressing yourself out over how to make them happy.....
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by on April 3, 2020
I know this is a difficult time for a lot of people right now, i want to remind people of some things that are a positive in this. Just think of all the times you wanted to be at home, and in bed when you were at work, here is your chance to reset your body, to rest and relax, a lot of people have some emotional pains they have had been delt in the past and never had the time to heal from, take this time to heal from any and all past pains. Look at this as a reset button, i have been doing yoga,...
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by on April 3, 2020
I made some  thc brownies, and cookies, and my roomate and i went to the Red Rocks Canyon in Las Vegas Nevada to go on a hike, we brought some weed and some sandwhiches, and water, and we did some cleaning. I like to clean when going on adventures I have done some fun videos with my friends in Colorado and figured this would be a good time to clean vegas and so we made a video which i will upload later but here is an example of a past video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgCHSAMFHyw ) I am sup...
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