by on July 10, 2022

     Today I was able to make it to the monthly Swap Not Shop DTLA event, hosted by Vicky, at the First Draft Taproom & Kitchen - DTLA.Which is a wing and burger restaurant and brewery, I did not purchase any food this time because I checked it out alone. Next month I'd like to go with some friends and make it a lunch swap day!!! The food looked and smelled AMAZING and it was happy hour so the wings were A DOLLAR EACH!!! What a great deal!!! Swap Not Shop DTLA is a small gathering hosted by Vicky who is such a sweetheart, and what she does is so AMAZING!!! How it works is, we (the guests) bring in our clothes that we would be willing to trade. Basically a closet swap, Please make sure the clothes are clean, and ready for a new home. I came with two bags and I left with two bags. It starts at 3 and sometimes goes a little longer, but she stops accepting clothes at 5. So today's event I was there from 3 to 6, I took my time and made sure to stay long enough to get the chance to look through everything. I brought a few name brand items like Bebe, Guess, Ann Taylor, Skechers, ect. and I saw Lots of name brands available for swap such as, Pink, Bebe (not mine), Steve Madden, Dior, Disney, Juicy, and so much more. It was fun swapping with the ladys. I talked to a few girls, we laughed, we complimented each others finds, and just overall had a blast!!! It is completely Free, you can bring accessories, clothes, purses, scarfs, and shoes. I even saw a section for men to participate as well. Check out Vicky's Facebook Event and follow it so you can stay updated for her next ones. I will also add it to the Events Page here on 420nurses.com but just to stay in the loop here is that link... ( https://www.facebook.com/events/3203563583298215 )  Message me if you are interested in going next month and maybe we can all make a thing out of it. I was even able to leave with an MJ Wear jersey, and a One Love Bandana. 


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