by on September 27, 2021

The Last time I updated you all, I had moved back to Colorado! I love Colorado, and I had an amazing time, so many incredible adventures. Mostly consisting of nature and friends. I do not know what it is about that beautiful state, but it has magical healing powers. I always am able to reconnect with the earth and create ever lasting memories. If you are a traveler and have never been to Colorado, I HIGHLY recommend it. I would suggest living there for at least a year a two, but fairly enough the Colorado Natives would hate me for suggesting such a thing. It is fair, the population has risen so much since the legalization, I know that rent has gone up as well as cost of living, and the traffic has increased. It is getting to be a little like California, which i am a California Native, so i can understand the frustration of their home being bombarded. Regardless let's just say, it is definitely worth the experience at least once. ;) The natives are a whole vibe that, even though i just made them sound unwelcoming ,they are very much loving, kind, and accepting. As a traveler I will always consider Colorado to be a home base for me. With that being said, I just wanted to announce I have moved back to my own roots. The beautiful California!!! I moved back in July, I was able to celebrate my 30th birthday home which was amazing, as well as my 4 years sobriety of alcohol. I missed California Summers, I am so glad i was able to experience it again, and now I am here to embraces the Fall. I have relocated due to my team and I's relocation. We have an office now in Culver City, I will get into more detail about later. For now I am just amazed looking back at how far I have come, and we have come. So greatful to be back home!!! xoxo 

- Lexileggo 

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