by on April 12, 2020

Happy Easter Sunday, I hope everyone had an amazing Easter morning with there loved ones, this Easter is much different than most because of the obvious quarintine we are experiencing.. However i hope everyone found a way to still enjoy the day and i know you put so much stress on yourselves as some of you are parents and just remember youre kids love you and it would always make them so much happier to see you happy and playing with them over stressing yourself out over how to make them happy.. quality time with family is always important esspecially at these times. My mom passed away May 4th, 2015 I was living in Denver at the time, and she sent me an Easter Basket and would call me to make sure i got it and I loved it so much I still have the basket today. With times being so rough I went onto Facebook Marketplace and was selling some 420 Nurses Gear or asking for trade for 420 when I came across a post advertizing free makeup... HOLD UP!! Let me just click on this really quick and see all the details right.. because makeup is a never ending expense as a woman and we always have to be careful of the products we put on our faces i kept thinking it was too good to be true but my curiosity got the best of me and I messaged the poster asking if this was ligit. The advertisment said 5 free pieces of makeup just for stopping by and saying hi... and if you bought and item you get even more free items, well working events I have posted such things to gear traffic to our booth so i had to find out.. I went over with my facemask on, and we stayed 6 ft apart and searched through this magical wonderland of jewlery, makeup, langire, and bags all brand new and really cheap!! He let me pick out my 5 items (between make up and jewlery) and I told him all about you girls (420nurses) and how you would benefit so much from it so he said if any of you girls would like you are more than welcome to come by.. I ended up trading him a little gear for a little more of his items there was so many amazing things to choose from, and all great brands, some nyc, victoria secret, MUA, and i of corse got an I love jesus braclette to celebrate easter I put all these items in my Easter Basket (which i had already made myself one the night before containing some sour patch bunnies, and a chocolate carmel bunny) So overall I had my very own kind of Easter Egg Hunt and I ended up making myself 2 Easter baskets one with candy in the morning and one with jewlery and makeup and a sexy little number ;)  all because I chose to jump down that rabbit hole :) I highly reccommend if any of you Las Vegas ladies are looking to get more costume jewlery, or outfits, sunglasses, or some cheap make-up stop by and say high let him know Lexileggo sent you his name is Michael and his number is (702) 201-6892!!  He is very friendly, and not pushy, he lets you take your time going threw the different amazing items, and he is also 420friendly.. I will deffenitly be going back when the quarintine is all over and I have some more money to spend! 

Post in: Lifestyle, Random
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