by on January 26, 2022

VR- "Virtual Reality" is an imersive experience created with technology. It allows the user to feel like they are in the experience. Providing a 360 degree view of the enviornment.

VR definition-      noun

  1. the computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional image or environment that can be interacted with in a seemingly real or physical way by a person using special electronic equipment, such as a helmet with a screen inside or gloves fitted with sensors.

I have included a couple of article's that I thought could help unlayer the topic on a detailed explanation. 

Article- https://www.marxentlabs.com/what-is-virtual-reality/

Article- https://www.vrs.org.uk/virtual-reality/what-is-virtual-reality.html

Article- https://www.iberdrola.com/innovation/virtual-reality

If you do not want to read the articles all the way through I have included some of the main points and source. 

What is Virtual Reality?

Virtual Reality (VR) is the use of computer technology to create a simulated environment. Unlike traditional user interfaces, VR places the user inside an experience. Instead of viewing a screen in front of them, users are immersed and able to interact with 3D worlds. By simulating as many senses as possible, such as vision, hearing, touch, even smell, the computer is transformed into a gatekeeper to this artificial world. The only limits to near-real VR experiences are the availability of content and cheap computing power. (Source - https://www.marxentlabs.com/what-is-virtual-reality/ )


Major players in Virtual Reality: Oculus, HTC, Sony

As of the end of 2018, the three best selling Virtual Reality headsets were Sony’s PlayStation VR (PSVR), Facebook’s Oculus Rift and the HTC Vive. This was not a surprise, seeing as the same three HMDs had also been best sellers in 2017. 2019 sees the VR landscape broadening with Google, HP, Lenovo, and others looking to grab a piece of the still-burgeoning market.

Here’s a look at 2019’s major VR hardware manufacturers and the devices they are manufacturing:

(Source- https://www.marxentlabs.com/what-is-virtual-reality/


Even more VR HMDS

In addition to all the hardware explored above, there is an ever-expanding number of other devices launched by lesser-known companies looking to grab mind and market share. These include:
Bobo VR Z4
Destek V4 VR Headset
Fengfa 3D VR
Freefly VR
Homido Mini
Incredisonic VR Headset
Leji VR Mini
Ling VR
Meco VR Glasses
Merge VR Goggles
Pasonomi VR
PowisVR Custom Branded HMDs
Sidardoe 3D VR Headset
TaoTronics 3D VR Headset
Topmaxions 3D VR Glasses
U-Scene VR 2
VR Box
VR Elegant
Zeiss VR One.    (Source- https://www.marxentlabs.com/what-is-virtual-reality/



"So, in summary, virtual reality entails presenting our senses with a computer generated virtual environment that we can explore in some fashion." 

"If an implementation of virtual reality manages to get the combination of hardware, software and sensory synchronicity just right it achieves something known as a sense of presence. Where the subject really feels like they are present in that environment."

(Source- https://www.vrs.org.uk/virtual-reality/what-is-virtual-reality.html)

The definition of virtual reality comes, naturally, from the definitions for both ‘virtual’ and ‘reality’. The definition of ‘virtual’ is near and reality is what we experience as human beings. So the term ‘virtual reality’ basically means ‘near-reality’. This could, of course, mean anything but it usually refers to a specific type of reality emulation.

We know the world through our senses and perception systems. In school we all learned that we have five senses: taste, touch, smell, sight and hearing. These are however only our most obvious sense organs. The truth is that humans have many more senses than this, such as a sense of balance for example. These other sensory inputs, plus some special processing of sensory information by our brains ensures that we have a rich flow of information from the environment to our minds.

Everything that we know about our reality comes by way of our senses. In other words, our entire experience of reality is simply a combination of sensory information and our brains sense-making mechanisms for that information. It stands to reason then, that if you can present your senses with made-up information, your perception of reality would also change in response to it. You would be presented with a version of reality that isn’t really there, but from your perspective it would be perceived as real. Something we would refer to as a virtual reality.

So, in summary, virtual reality entails presenting our senses with a computer generated virtual environment that we can explore in some fashion.

In technical terms…

Answering “what is virtual reality” in technical terms is straight-forward. Virtual reality is the term used to describe a three-dimensional, computer generated environment which can be explored and interacted with by a person. That person becomes part of this virtual world or is immersed within this environment and whilst there, is able to manipulate objects or perform a series of actions.

(Source- https://www.vrs.org.uk/virtual-reality/what-is-virtual-reality.html )


Virtual reality is the creation of a virtual environment presented to our senses in such a way that we experience it as if we were really there. It uses a host of technologies to achieve this goal and is a technically complex feat that has to account for our perception and cognition. It has both entertainment and serious uses. The technology is becoming cheaper and more widespread. We can expect to see many more innovative uses for the technology in the future and perhaps a fundamental way in which we communicate and work thanks to the possibilities of virtual reality.

(Source- https://www.vrs.org.uk/virtual-reality/what-is-virtual-reality.html)



Virtual Reality is one of the technologies with the highest projected potential for growth. According to the latest forecasts from IDC Research (2018), investment in VR and AR will multiply 21-fold over the next four years, reaching 15.5 billion euros by 2022. In addition, both technologies will be key to companies' digital transformation plans and their spending in this area will exceed that of the consumer sector by 2019. It is, therefore expected that by 2020 over half of the larger European companies will have a VR and RA strategy.

All this means that Virtual Reality is no longer science fiction. It is integrated into our present and, in the coming years, it will lead to advances that will shape the future.

(Source- https://www.iberdrola.com/innovation/virtual-reality )

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