by on July 18, 2024
I can't wait to see what EXHALE SOCIETY has going on this weekend ❣️ you guys this is a new SmokingLounge/Event Center here in AZ and lemme tell ya it is off the Chizzain 🥳 If you come down to AZ for Business or just to visit you'll want to check them out and bring me to tag along with ya so we can get Litty Litty Litty 🥳 💯🥳
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by on May 21, 2024
Can't wait til this Summer I am going to model more and my last Baby finishing high school I will have more time to go to the events also ) So excited for change 💚
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by on May 15, 2024
I received my intern kit today:-)💚
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by on May 11, 2024
I just purchased the intern starter kit:) 
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by on March 22, 2024
I am going to go on this platform more and I would love to become an intern soon hopefully by next month Being without a car at the moment and my life has been crazy lately I have not been able to get to the events... I just went thru major surgery so after I am all healed up I would love to model.. and get that going on a more professional level.  
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by on March 13, 2024   good site for info about what's new in medical marijuana. facebook post below ...
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by on February 20, 2024
~*~ sensi-singles/LEGALIZE IT/420 ~*~   a collection of songs and assorted audio about cannabis. this is my soundtrack now whe i am doing makeup in mu 420Nurses gear. hope you likes :)
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by on February 19, 2024
so i was looking for the font used in the 420Nurses logo, and came across this article: i still didnt find the font. lol ...
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by on February 17, 2024
most of the videos i've made since i started weraing my 420 nurse gear has be getting a lot of views. in the 700s. this 1 only got 7. (the hash tags are a clickable link to the video) #420nurses #SharedRealities #5Dnot5G #TargetedIndividual #HavanaSyndrome #killyourtelevision #BoyCottHollywood #TheUsualSuspects #TheyUsedEverythangTheyCould ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ #StreetTheater #FallBack #SlipStreamAndStayThere #TheresAReasonTheyCallItProgramming #Straight5150 #HeBeWeBe #Shananigians
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by on February 16, 2024
420/ IV XX / sensi-pins / DECRIMINALIZE IT -  a 420nurse_CandiKane Pinterest board link: 420-iv-xx-sensi-pins-decriminalize-it i tried to put every name for weed i could in the description for this board. what do you call it? let me know if i missed any ...
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by on February 16, 2024
my playlist with docs and music videos about weed. hope you likes :) 420 videos & sensi singles DECRIMINALIZE IT!!!
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by on January 23, 2024
As we step into the promising year of 2024, the 420Nurses community is gearing up for a year of unprecedented growth, empowerment, and global outreach. With a vision to attend events, expand our fan base, and establish new chapters of empowered women worldwide, 420Nurses is set to make 2024 a year to remember. Attending Events: A Global Presence 420Nurses is committed to being at the forefront of events that align with our mission of empowerment and unity. In 2024, we aim to attend vari...
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