by on February 20, 2024
~*~ sensi-singles/LEGALIZE IT/420 ~*~   a collection of songs and assorted audio about cannabis. this is my soundtrack now whe i am doing makeup in mu 420Nurses gear. hope you likes :)
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by on February 19, 2024
so i was looking for the font used in the 420Nurses logo, and came across this article: i still didnt find the font. lol ...
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by on February 17, 2024
most of the videos i've made since i started weraing my 420 nurse gear has be getting a lot of views. in the 700s. this 1 only got 7. (the hash tags are a clickable link to the video) #420nurses #SharedRealities #5Dnot5G #TargetedIndividual #HavanaSyndrome #killyourtelevision #BoyCottHollywood #TheUsualSuspects #TheyUsedEverythangTheyCould ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ #StreetTheater #FallBack #SlipStreamAndStayThere #TheresAReasonTheyCallItProgramming #Straight5150 #HeBeWeBe #Shananigians
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by on July 10, 2022
     Today I was able to make it to the monthly Swap Not Shop DTLA event, hosted by Vicky, at the First Draft Taproom & Kitchen - DTLA.Which is a wing and burger restaurant and brewery, I did not purchase any food this time because I checked it out alone. Next month I'd like to go with some friends and make it a lunch swap day!!! The food looked and smelled AMAZING and it was happy hour so the wings were A DOLLAR EACH!!! What a great deal!!! Swap Not Shop DTLA is a small gathering hosted by Vick...
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by on February 21, 2022
Hey everyone, I'm Taylor. I've been with 420nurses Los Angeles chapter for the past month. From getting to know our lovely 420 nurses, to greeting our hemp sesh patients, this new community has been nothing short of amazing. I know I can always count on positive vibes and a fun time here! Im ecstatic to be on this journey, and I can't wait to meet the rest of you. 💓💓💓
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by on January 26, 2022
VR- "Virtual Reality" is an imersive experience created with technology. It allows the user to feel like they are in the experience. Providing a 360 degree view of the enviornment. VR definition-      noun ...
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by on October 18, 2021
I had a wonderful weekend running around LA!!! It has been so nice being back home :). It started out at the office, we had to work Saturday. As night time started approaching I got an invite to Whiskey a Go Go in Hollywood to see #Drift perform. I messaged my brother and had him come with me. He is born and raised in LA and has never been to the Whiskey a Go Go, I was so excited to take him for his first time!!!  While I was waiting for him to show up I befriended #paradisevultures. Such great ...
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by on September 27, 2021
The Last time I updated you all, I had moved back to Colorado! I love Colorado, and I had an amazing time, so many incredible adventures. Mostly consisting of nature and friends. I do not know what it is about that beautiful state, but it has magical healing powers. I always am able to reconnect with the earth and create ever lasting memories. If you are a traveler and have never been to Colorado, I HIGHLY recommend it. I would suggest living there for at least a year a two, but fairly enough th...
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by on July 19, 2021
My names is Christine! And my Cannabis journey started out when I was just a teen growing up in California. It was something that everyone did, and I was too young to understand the full benefits of smoking cannabis.  I remember when 420Nurses was just starting up! I was still living in Cali, and had a friend who I went to high school with who was modeling with them. And I just loved the work she was doing/did with the 420Nurses. From the beginning I wanted to join, but I didn't feel like I w...
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by on July 10, 2020
Happy 710 everyone, I hope everyone had a good day considering we couldnt attend any dab events. I stopped by bgood mmj to pick up some treats, while there I did a quick 10 minute photoshoot, and they loved having me there! I just moved back to Colorado so I have only stopped in a couple times but I will most definetly be a regular face here!! <3  considering we would usually be attending an event for a day like this how did you ladies and gents celebrate our quarintined 710?? 
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by on April 24, 2020
So heres the thing, During this quarentine its getting harder and harder to pamper ourselves. With nail and hair salons closed, what is a lady to do ? Well Thankfully 420nurses have your nail solution.  Not only do they carry just about every color in nail laquer for just $1.15 , ...
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by on April 12, 2020
Happy Easter Sunday, I hope everyone had an amazing Easter morning with there loved ones, this Easter is much different than most because of the obvious quarintine we are experiencing.. However i hope everyone found a way to still enjoy the day and i know you put so much stress on yourselves as some of you are parents and just remember youre kids love you and it would always make them so much happier to see you happy and playing with them over stressing yourself out over how to make them happy.....
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