Candis Miles
by on February 17, 2024

most of the videos i've made since i started weraing my 420 nurse gear has be getting a lot of views. in the 700s.

this 1 only got 7. (the hash tags are a clickable link to the video)

#420nurses #SharedRealities #5Dnot5G #TargetedIndividual #HavanaSyndrome #killyourtelevision #BoyCottHollywood #TheUsualSuspects #TheyUsedEverythangTheyCould ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ #StreetTheater #FallBack #SlipStreamAndStayThere #TheresAReasonTheyCallItProgramming #Straight5150 #HeBeWeBe #Shananigians

Post in: Cannabis, Esoteric, Random
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