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Canna Queen

Female Lives in Santa Clarita, California, United States Born on June 5, 1996
Canna Queen
by on August 21, 2018
I have been having so much anxiety. I feel like I'm falling back into that hole that I was in. I suffer from severe anxiety and depression. I'm going through the biggest transition of my life with moving to a new place with strangers, starting at a brand new school, and a brand new job. It's super stressful. I was excited before getting here but when I actually got here, all I can constantly feel is my anxiety telling me this is bad. I have morning anxiety, daytime anxiety, afternoon/evening anx...
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by on July 9, 2018
It was a cool summer in my opinion, up until last week. I'm sure it's because actual summer season didn't start until the solstice, but I was having a cool (as in coldish) summer so far! It really started to heat up out there y'all. Everyday gets over 100 degrees in the Santa Clarita Valley. LA isn't much better but it seems to be about 10 degrees cooler than here half the time. And Canoga Park is literally on fucking fire. Like how are you guys not going to the beach on your days off LOL I had ...
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by on July 2, 2018
I was working a lot for awhile to make ends meet but I'm okay now so I'm gonna have a few days off a week to prepare for school and moving out to start my new life. In a month, I will be moving to LA to start school and hopefully I will be transferring restaurant locations. If, for some reason, they do not accept my transfer, I will probably be getting a part-time job at school and not spend as much money on medicine. I'm just hoping I can keep my server job because as much as they take from us,...
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by on June 27, 2018
It's so hard for me to write this. I can't stop crying, my heart is aching. The love I have for my dogs is so strong and pure. I love and miss you so much CC. I lost my dog, my best friend, CC about a year and a half ago. He was everything to me. I love him so much and miss him with all my heart everyday. The day we lost him, my heart felt as if it had stopped. To this day, I wonder (and beat myself up over) if I had anything to do with his passing. Not physically of course. But emotionally. I h...
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by on June 25, 2018
I'm in a special place right now in my life. I will be moving to Cal State LA second week of August. It's very exciting, but also nerve wracking! I'm sad to be leaving my hometown and some people in it. I'm going to miss where I work the most, the people there are just absolutely amazing. My coworkers are what keeps me going right now. I hate to leave them, but I have to do what's in my best interest, and that's moving on to CSULA. I didn't have many friends in Santa Clarita until I got this job...
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by on June 21, 2018
I had a really bad day at work. I just sobbed for a little because I'm weak. But crying doesn't make you weak, excuse me. It shows your strength honestly. If you keep that shit in, you gonna feel so much worse. Humans need to talk things out. That's how we heal and move on. OKAY anyway. I am super sad that I can't be with my other 420 nurses right now. They all make me feel so much more alive and well. I feel like I can be myself around them and really blossom. So it was the LA Chapter meeting e...
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by on June 1, 2018
I just posted like 6/7 FIVE STAR REVIEWS for some amazing companies/businesses/small business owners on this fabulous 420Nurse website so go check them out while you are here! Maybe it'll inspire you to go check them out at Friday Night Sesh or if you see them anywhere else! They are all so great and friendly, so I really encourage everyone who is able to try out their products. They all help me in different ways but each as amazing as the last. Don't forget to grab your 420 Nurse gear for this ...
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by on May 23, 2018
It has been a fantastic month of being apart of the 420 Nurses. I have been searching for my group ever since I fell out of Color Guard which was my life for 6 years. I was so used to being deeply involved in this activity, once I was out of it, I felt very empty. I struggled with depression, anxiety, and just didn't know where I belonged anymore. Ever since, I have been wanting to join another group and be apart of something amazing once again. I am so happy that I found this powerful, inspirin...
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by on May 23, 2018
Anxiety is a fucking bitch, first off. She is SO hard to understand. She wild and extra AF. She takes over you when you least expect it. It can be sudden and very unpredictable. Everyone's experience with mental health is tremendously different. No two experiences are really the same. I have anxiety attacks where I can't do anything, focus on anything, my head spinning, I feel as if I can't breathe, and just full on losing my shit. It is terrifying to go through, especially alone. All my experie...
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by on April 27, 2018
Y'ALLLLLLLL. It took me awhile to get here BUT I AM HERE. I AM OFFICIALLY A 420 NURSE INTERN. Let me make it clear that my status is different from being an Official 420 Nurse Intern. I am brand SPANKING NEW. But Spanking has always been welcome. So last blog I know I said I found out about Friday Night Sesh in December, but I didn't know about becoming a 420 Nurse until way after that. The first time someone invited me to become a 420 Nurse was the second time I came to Friday Night Sesh. The ...
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by on April 27, 2018
Let me tell y'all that my first time being at Friday Night Sesh was fucking magical. So I first found out about it back in December on Instagram...I know, such a long time ago. I was VERY interested in the event, but it was pretty far from me so I would succumb to local delivery services and shops. I finally got to go one night in the middle of January and I couldn't be more ecstatic. I went with some old high school marching band friends and we all thought it was amazing! It's literally like Di...
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