Canna Queen
by on May 23, 2018
Anxiety is a fucking bitch, first off. She is SO hard to understand. She wild and extra AF. She takes over you when you least expect it. It can be sudden and very unpredictable. Everyone's experience with mental health is tremendously different. No two experiences are really the same. I have anxiety attacks where I can't do anything, focus on anything, my head spinning, I feel as if I can't breathe, and just full on losing my shit. It is terrifying to go through, especially alone. All my experiences with anxiety have been different each time, so you never know what to expect. There's many forms of anxiety and several anxiety disorders. If you don't know exactly what anxiety is, the simple definition is: a feeling of worry, nervousness or unease. Sometimes it can be about something specific, like an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome. But other times, it can appear for no reason it seems. It affects people of all ages. Anxiety does not discriminate. Anxiety can take over you out of nowhere, unexpected and uninvited. You can go from having a great time with your friends to frantic, anxious mess in a matter of a couple seconds. Maybe you're watching your favorite TV show and BAM, random panic attack induced by who knows what. Most of the time, there is no known trigger. She is super sneaky. When having a panic attack, random thoughts race through your head without any order or control. I would love to share an excerpt of my favorite story explaining how it feels to have an anxiety disorder or just an experience with anxiety at all is like. It's from Hannah Hilgeman on the,

"It’s like a light switch. One moment, everything is amazing. I am getting what I need to complete finished, have had positive interactions all day, and just walked away from a joyful, laughter- filled conversation with my friends. We were dying over yet another meme from “The Office” she found on Twitter — the one where Dwight compares himself to a mongoose. Still giggling, my thoughts turn to college, and I cannot help but smile at the thought of a brand new adventure. There is still so much for me to learn in the topics that entice me, such as writing and biology; when I go to college, I will be able to delve much deeper into those subjects than ever before. New people, new places, a new home. Life is beautiful, wonderful and full of an abundance of joy and light. I believe so strongly in my future and all it holds. Most importantly, I trust the future, whatever it may hold. In this moment, I am content.

Switch! All of a sudden, fear. The laughter that just filled my ears disperses, and I struggle to my seat. Pulling out notebooks and my favorite pens, I can feel my current mindset slipping away. Something is wrong. My hands become shaky, and I can feel my heart starting to beat faster in my chest. I shake it all off, and begin taking notes on the class material. I listen to the teacher explain and gesture about the classroom, but I don’t hear what she’s saying. I’m somewhere else now. Flashbacks soar back and forth across my vision, intertwining hypothetical situations into the already-overwhelming mix. Images flash across my eyes, and I start to feel numb. I feel in danger, threatened, targeted, unsafe. I feel anxious. It’s almost as if my body knows what’s coming before I do, and is telling me through the burning sensations in my chest and head. While everyone else around me works peacefully on their homework assignment, I gasp for breath at an attempt to prove to myself I am still alive. I feel an incredible amount of fear, as if someone is pointing a gun right at me. This feeling of terror explains the tears beginning to form in my eyes."

I honestly could not have said it better. She explains it so well by illustrating it out to you, how she feels and what she's going through when the light switches. I'm so glad that other people go through this madness and we are able to talk about it with each other. It makes me feel comforted in some way to know that I'm not alone, other people feel this too. I'm not crazy. We all are trying to decipher this bad bitch and we need to do it together. I don't think one person can come up with these conclusions alone. I'm sure it took a team to come up with what we have now on this disorder and it's going to take us all to figure out the rest. No one is safe from this disorder. No place is safe from the attack of anxiety. You can be in your most comfortable place, everything is perfect around you and still get hit with immense panic and worry for no reason.

C-B-D and THC have done so much for me and my anxiety disorder. I'm proud to say that it has helped me extremely whether I feel a little anxious or if I'm having a full blown panic attack. C-B-D alone can help greatly with anxiety. It benefits so many other diseases and disorders but you know what we here to talk about. If I'm going into work and I don't want to be high, I will take 1 of King Moses C-B-D capsules and it calms me down. One crucial thing people don't know is that C-B-D (also known as cannabidiol) is not psychoactive, which means it won't get you high. THC is the cannabinoid with the legendary power of producing euphoric sensations while Cannabidiol (C-B-D) is inert. When taken on its own, users experience none of the sensations of being stoned. This is the single most important property of the cannabinoid from the medical and legal perspective! C-B-D is legal almost everywhere. Every US state that considers marijuana illegal, has some sort of law allowing the use of C-B-D for medical purposes. So the C-B-D is usually gathered from hemp rather than marijuana plants. C-B-D can stop epileptic seizures, it can treat serious neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s, Multiple Sclerosis, and Parkinson’s disease. I have family members that use it to relieve pain and it helps immensely. Me and my friends use it to treat anxiety, mood disorders, depression and more. I have friends that use it to fight cancer. It has so many beneficial uses and it can help so many people if we educate the world on what it actually is.

I hope to spread the word and combat these issues with all of you beautiful people out there. If you need someone to talk to or some help with your anxiety, I AM HERE FOR YOU. I am here for y'all. I find that it is best to go through your episodes, attacks, anxiety with someone by your side. Even if you feel uncomfortable, it actually helps you. Never feel embarrassed or ashamed of it. Hell, they might even go through it too. Focus on your breathing, get out of the house more, nature is god's gift. Fresh air helps. If you're able to walk, go outside. If you have any questions about using C-B-D to help with your health or where to get some to try it out, message me! Or you can always check out the 420 Nurses Boutique, we have MANY helpful C-B-D products that people use daily to benefit their health and lives.

Love you all,

Canna Queen
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