Canna Queen
by on May 23, 2018
It has been a fantastic month of being apart of the 420 Nurses. I have been searching for my group ever since I fell out of Color Guard which was my life for 6 years. I was so used to being deeply involved in this activity, once I was out of it, I felt very empty. I struggled with depression, anxiety, and just didn't know where I belonged anymore. Ever since, I have been wanting to join another group and be apart of something amazing once again. I am so happy that I found this powerful, inspiring group of women to be a part of and take charge of my life again. I heard and saw so many wonderful things coming out of this amazing group that Cha Cha created and I can't wait to be more involved in this movement. I met so many great people already through this company and I feel like I have made some true friends already. There is nothing like this out where I live, in Santa Clarita (about 40 minutes with no traffic Smile to Canoga Park). Everyone here seems to smoke but do it alone or in their separate groups. I love coming out to Friday night sesh or the stoner cafe and chilling with everyone! I love seeing new faces, old faces, and Goldmember Extracts always giving out fire dabs. It's a great thing to be involved in if you medicate or like the marijuana movement. I am so happy that I found my cannabis community, my 420 family, the 420 Nurses.

The second Chapter meeting was last Thursday and it was so much fun. I was having such a shit day, then walking in to all your beautiful faces, I just couldn't stay in that horrible mood. I was greeted by my home girl Seydi, who is the absolute best. She makes everyone feel welcomed and always has your back. She is a real one, a true friend, a genuine sister. I'm glad I got there before the meeting started!! I was worried I'd miss some of it. I only missed the photoshoot which I was kinda bummed about but Strawnana offered to take some pictures for me and that alone made me feel better lmaoo. I will get to a photoshoot someday. I don't think I'm confident with my own body anymore since I've gained weight and people can sense that. You might think I'm confident when I talk but in front of the camera, I just feel like everyone thinks I'm too big and the camera reminds me of that. So we introduced ourselves and I loved hearing about everyone's background. I wish I could've shared more as well. I have some social anxiety, so talking in front of everyone about myself was terrifying. Talking about another subject, eh sure. Me? Oh Lord. It's hard for me to talk about myself to others so writing blogs like this definitely helps me get things out in the open.

We finished off the meeting with dabs and medicated birthday cake for Bebe, but of course we all got some. It was fucking delicious. I hung around the Boutique for awhile to buy a scale as well as peruse around because who doesn't love doing that at the 420 Nurse Boutique. After my purchase, a few of us went to the Stoner Cafe for more dabs and good times. I dabbed on Puffweiser's Green Goo and we smoked some Backwoods that fuuuuucked me up. That tobacco dude. It kills ya. But I had a fantastic time with everyone, there was good vibes all around. I did some yoga when I was like at my peak of being high af with the gorgeous Dosiebuds. I was super hungry so I ended up leaving around 8:45 and I had a long drive home. I was high as shit when I left. Don't worry, always a safe driver!

I cannot wait till the next meeting to meet more 420 nurse interns and get to know all of you. Connect with me on Instagram @Cannaqueen13 or send me a message on here! Become my fan and follow me through this amazing journey. It's been a blast so far, I'm ready for more adventures with y'all. Let's dab, let's roll, let's smoke. I'm ready to do it all with my lovely ladies. See you guys soon.

With much love,

Canna Queen
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I have HELLA RESPECT for you ✊ߏܢݤ️ߑ̰ߏܰߒ @cannaqueen ϰߙ̰ߏ ߑ
Like May 24, 2018 Edited
Canna Queen
Thank you very much [x=89561]silva420[/x] that means a lot! Wishing you a wonderful day
Like May 24, 2018