Canna Queen
by on July 9, 2018
It was a cool summer in my opinion, up until last week. I'm sure it's because actual summer season didn't start until the solstice, but I was having a cool (as in coldish) summer so far! It really started to heat up out there y'all. Everyday gets over 100 degrees in the Santa Clarita Valley. LA isn't much better but it seems to be about 10 degrees cooler than here half the time. And Canoga Park is literally on fucking fire. Like how are you guys not going to the beach on your days off LOL I had to leave Sesh early honestly because me and my friend were so hot and sweaty. This Friday I'll come better prepared but I won't be staying for too too long since it'll be just as hot maybe even hotter. The night time isn't even a break. The heat continues to rise up from the burning hot ground that the sun was beating down on all day. It goes from 100s to anywhere between 81-77 at night. But it never drops below 77 anymore. That's the coldest it'll get outside at night and it sucks!! So you have the heat rising up making it super hot still, and then you have the air outside barely cooling down Unhappy

I feel so so bad for anyone who has to suffer outside for that long. And folks who live outside, having no safe haven inside. With bougie ass people kicking them out of stores and restaurants during the day because they're afraid of homeless people. Whether it's that they'll steal, stink up the place, or it's bad for their store image. People are probably suffering from heat stroke, dehydration, and likely death. That breaks my heart. I hope people learn to have some compassion for others around them who aren't as well off.

The heat makes me not want to do anything or leave the house for that matter. I'll go to work because, well, money. But other than that, it's hard to make myself go out in weather like this. And when I do, I immediately regret it because I feel like I can't breathe or I'm just miserable in the heat covered in sweat. I want to want to go out and do fun stuff in the sun because it's summer time. I just don't lol. Also my poor ass probably couldn't afford the adventure I want to get into. Okay I think my somewhat rant is over because it's hot and I need to turn up the AC

side note: I got my new glasses today that I ordered online. They make me look like an ugly version of Harry Potter. So fuck me.
I'm going to wear them to work and see how they are for the day. But I'm probably going to return them. I want to get back into contacts and try to look normal without glasses again. Me and my face have become so attached to glasses that I look fuckin weird without them. Take my glasses off me in person to see that in action.


Love you guys,

Canna Queen
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