by on September 27, 2021
The Last time I updated you all, I had moved back to Colorado! I love Colorado, and I had an amazing time, so many incredible adventures. Mostly consisting of nature and friends. I do not know what it is about that beautiful state, but it has magical healing powers. I always am able to reconnect with the earth and create ever lasting memories. If you are a traveler and have never been to Colorado, I HIGHLY recommend it. I would suggest living there for at least a year a two, but fairly enough th...
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by on July 8, 2020
So after living in Las Vegas for a few years, I have up and moved back to Colorado, my life is pretty unpredictable in that nature. I am so happy to be back in Colorado. It has only been a few weeks and right when i got back i met up with a best friend of mine. We were originally going to just record some music, we are working on an album, and next thing i knew we were off to a camping adventure. We ventured up to a mountain did some mineing and then the next day we woke up and ventured off to a...
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by on May 10, 2020
I am a 420 nurse intern and joined in 2014. They did not have medical marijuana where I live at that time and didn’t catch up until 2 years ago. That is when I started building my group/chapter in Florida. I was planning on being in Miami and ended up in Jacksonville. I have a traveling group because that is what I do for the most part. This virus is the first time I have stayed my butt in town for a month. 420Nurses Kushlife chapter was created because I go to Vegas, DC, Chicago, LA, NJ, NY, an...
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by on September 22, 2019
life is full of them, when your young you feel invincible. You feel like you can take over the world and nothing can stop you. When i began in 420 nurses it was 2012 which sounds like forever ago but only feels like yesterday. I lost my boyfriend in the begining of 2013 in a very tramatic way which made me use that pain to only push harder. I threw myself into this site I worked so hard I traveled the country working events, I was getting sponsors, i was frequent on talk shows, I was active like...
220 views 1 like
by on September 27, 2018
First off, I love this family so much! I am so happy to be a part of a place of positivity and motivation. Here I feel the freedom to be me, with support. I love the journey I have started here and I get more excited about the future as each day passes. I've already met so many wonderful people and continue to connect with new people and organizations every day. Thank you all so much you're all super amazing. :) Lately I've been working hard on promoting my art/art shop. I love painting an...
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