Doc Blah
by on October 9, 2018
We have implemented our terms and conditions rules and we will be enforcing them. This social network is meant for people that want to connect with people in the Marijuana industry and models and photographers that want to show case there portfolio. If you want to to complain about us or start drama with anyone, go do it at another social network. This platform is going to be used as a tool to promote yourself or like I said connect with people in the industry.
Things that will get you kicked out!
> No spamming on the wall
> No harassing or threatening people
> No spam promoting companies on feed walls
> No unnecessary drama!
What we are going to be doing >>
We have started developing new features that will make it easier for models to connect with businesses. If you have ideas that can improve connections please let us know DM me or any 420nurse. We are a small community and we want to make this a great community.
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I suggest a gallery where business es can pick a model or 2 to sponsor or for events
Like May 27, 2020