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Male Lives in Riverside, California, United States Born on June 29
by on September 23, 2013
Spoken about when my path first chanced upon 'magical folk/girls', is that one group is aware of the other but the reverse is not true. The same is true towards the evil 0ne Percent. Through the use of wars, monetary stress, alcohol, cigarettes, and chemicals induced into the human gene pool and food chain, the 0ne Percent has become empowered over, and induced suffering on those of the 99%. Eerily like The Matrix we are a 'cancer on the planet spreading' despite all their crap of the ages. Wit...
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by on September 20, 2013
From the beginning it was the serpent’s goal to separate us, humanity, from the two trees of cannabis and alienate Nature against us by keeping the secret of the plant's sentient state of silent awareness from us. That goal hasn’t changed. By doing so, diverting the original plan to have a human Adam/Eve co-exist with a plant Adam/Eve in order to build/sustain an eternal life together [tending the Garden] with animal friends in Paradise, the Devil seeks to keep as many souls as possible with him...
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by on September 19, 2013
It is modern science that says all the stories of old have no place or merit today in society. It is also modern science that is producing GMOs, chemical additives, promoting wars, providing weaponry, RFID tracking, nuclear energy, and fracking. It is the organization of religions that commands obedience, acceptance, and conformity to this fake structured progress that, as with Neo, seems like a sliver in our mind, because we know the world was not created to be this way. Seeing that the very p...
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by on September 18, 2013
In the Old Testament, the book of Daniel is credited with being a far-ranging view to the future. In the second chapter, ‘the dream of the king Nebuchadnezzar’ shows the destruction of the last man-made empire of the world; 'man made' indicating an empire formed by decree/design. Though it doesn’t exactly say so in the Bible, Nebuchadnezzar made a 90 foot [3score cubits] tall gold coin 9 feet [6 cubits] thick with a bust likeness of himself on the obverse side like a giant Lincoln penny. Outside...
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by on September 17, 2013
Now that I had uncovered the ‘who’ of my visitors, I was left with the questions of ‘why me’ and ‘why’ period. Throwing out the ‘why me’ as not ‘looking a gift horse in the mouth’, I was inclined to wonder if my belief system and child-like personification of life might have played a factor. Looking back, my personification of Mary Jane Green has likened her to a complex human female, just as enjoyable but on a more consistent basis. Perhaps since Mother Nature is a female personification, as i...
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by on September 16, 2013
The second visit stayed with me more than the first because the initial visit had been a one-of-a kind experience like the majority of my metaphysical run-ins. The second visit had also happened in a room lit by the light I had on for my bar shift working girlfriend. This time I was able to make out details that I could not guess at before in the shadows. There was ‘something’ about them, something about the way they moved which left an indelible element of their personality lingering in the air...
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by on September 13, 2013
“Life moved on. Ten years later another ‘visitation’, the term for the first hooded monks' appearance whenever the story retelling occurred, happened and that one brought an end to my romance with the aforementioned redhead in the Memoirs. The redhead had rolled into my life like a bolt out of the blue. Ten months into the torrid relationship one night when I was the only one home I got another ‘visit’. As soon as my head hit the pillow that night, I was asleep. As soon as I was asleep, they wer...
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by on September 12, 2013
“Up to now in my story, the memoirs of me and Miss Green have come about from me smoking marijuana but the plant, the entire plant, is something that goes back to the fog-shrouded mists of Thor’s Day. I can state this because aside from the social aspects of my memoirs, the ‘highlights’ of my collection you might say, the real origin for the autobiography of my alter ego is a direct result of Mary Jane’s divine connection to the mists of antiquity. Please again consult the very excellent book, G...
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by on September 11, 2013
“At the same time that MJ was coming to the forefront, my life was changing. The walls between working a real job and the California Dream were dissolving. I had no clue but I sensed something was happening. Scary at first, I began to see that you could live ‘like a Mexican’, outside the system, using only cash and having minimum bills with no credit payments, ironic blow-back from my being kicked into Paradise. Riding a bicycle and not smoking cigarettes (thanks to Trinkette) has a certain fre...
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by on September 10, 2013
“Part of this ‘cause’ fame came from Jack Herer, the author of THE EMPEROR WEARS NO CLOTHES. I met Jack twice and had the pleasure of smoking the strain ‘Jack Herer’ with him that first time in 2003. He was the last of his kind; in the cause for the cause like a Martin Luther King, not to live off the cause like a Jesse Jackson. For me it was like meeting Elvis and Papa Smurf. When you add in the extra fluff of getting an autographed fresh print of his masterpiece after reading a borrowed dog-ea...
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by on September 9, 2013
The chapters 1-19 were written and completed in 2001, along with a wrap-up 20th chapter wondering about pot’s future and stating the very same ‘why don’t they just’ yada, yada, yada. Although Chapter 20 catches up on the space between 2001 and Dec. 21, 2012, when I met the 420Nurses and accepted Cha Cha’s invitation to join this site, it was written after experiencing two months at Occupy Los Angeles. The political unity, regardless of the various named causes, was stirring with medical mariju...
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by on September 6, 2013
The three of us laughed and talked that morning away. We had so much fun. The scene from the uncut version of the movie NINE TO FIVE comes closest to what we shared, minus the prospect of revenge on Dabney Coleman’s character, of course. Before they rolled the second joint they asked me what I thought, and I had to admit that I did not see what all the fuss was about. “Er, what was the question again?” I had experienced something that I would later learn as loss of short-term memory. Leroy tol...
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by on September 5, 2013
By 1966 I was starting to see cracks in the theory of rightness with which we were fighting the war in ‘Nam. The music that I listened to had taken a decidedly serious detour from the usual ‘I gotta have you, babe’ and was speaking out on issues of the day, namely the environment, the war, civil rights, and stirring feelings of equality in women. Being single, I was running with members of a local band aptly named the Midnighters who played weekends over at the lounge in the bowling alley. Austi...
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by on September 4, 2013
After a couple of days went by I quizzed my roommate about his pot use. Dyno Den (his college nickname) explained to me that smoking grass in the big cities, he was from New York, was something that was done on a regular basis among the young people who were hip to the scene. Older folks, the authorities, and ‘hicks’ like me, however, held the opposite view, which was why he and his friends ‘toweled’ the windows and door to avoid detection. If pot didn’t readily lead to heroin addiction, why wa...
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by on September 3, 2013
If 1963 marked the end of the DRAGNET generation then 1964 seemed to mark the beginning of the ‘hip’ generation. I say that because in 1964 the young people I met (high school seniors or less) were ‘hip’ to the war, ‘hip’ to the ‘system’, ‘hip’ to the ‘separate but equal’ fallacy, and ‘hip’ to pot. This was a lot of ‘hipness’ to come from one generation I remember thinking to myself, as I encountered young person after young person all expressing the same cosmic view on the dismal condition of t...
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by on September 2, 2013
[Editor's Note: Chapters 1-19 were finished and written in 2001] Chapter 1 How I First Met Mary Jane Hello, my name is PT Rothschild and I’m an ex-pot smoker. As such I am writing this book for several reasons. The first and foremost reason is that you will never have any government expert or scientist, laboring under a grant, write a study and tell you the truth about pot. The second reason is now that I have quit smoking pot I can come forward and say things about pot without a hint of repe...
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by on September 1, 2013
A few days ago the Obama administration issued what to some is called a first step forward toward government marijuana acceptance, at least medical acceptance of marijuana. I am sure people like Lanny Swerdlow and those in the Human Solution are drinking the kool-aid, though I hope not. The people here are different however, and that’s why I became a part of this organization. Starting tomorrow there will be a serialized blog, daily posting an excerpt from the book I have on sale at Amazon. The...
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