by on September 6, 2013
The three of us laughed and talked that morning away. We had so much fun. The scene from the uncut version of the movie NINE TO FIVE comes closest to what we shared, minus the prospect of revenge on Dabney Coleman’s character, of course.

Before they rolled the second joint they asked me what I thought, and I had to admit that I did not see what all the fuss was about.

“Er, what was the question again?” I had experienced something that I would later learn as loss of short-term memory. Leroy told me that you have both a short term and a long-term memory. Long-term memory is remembering things that happened once upon a time to you, like me relating this history to you now. Short term memory was going to reach for, and then forgetting that I was just going to take a drink of my cold soda.

“I can live with that,” I told Leroy.

Little did I know that at that very moment I stood atop the pentacle of the pot iceberg and I had no idea of it, because Mary Jane and I were having too much fun!

End of Chapter 1

next Chapter 20, part 1
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