by on September 10, 2013
“Part of this ‘cause’ fame came from Jack Herer, the author of THE EMPEROR WEARS NO CLOTHES. I met Jack twice and had the pleasure of smoking the strain ‘Jack Herer’ with him that first time in 2003. He was the last of his kind; in the cause for the cause like a Martin Luther King, not to live off the cause like a Jesse Jackson. For me it was like meeting Elvis and Papa Smurf. When you add in the extra fluff of getting an autographed fresh print of his masterpiece after reading a borrowed dog-eared copy years before, then puffing tuff outdoors with ‘the man’ at a hempseed pancake festival held on the balcony of a hillside cabin in Topanga Canyon, does it get any better than that? In a word, Nooo!

By the time that I first met Jack I had gained a lot of medical marijuana knowledge. Feeling rather self-satisfied on that front, I related to Jack about how the medical side of marijuana had kept the door open to getting pot made legal again. Expecting an ‘atta-boy’ for predicting a correct political argument against the federal government’s encroachment over the rights of the individual, Jack looked at me and said that the medical side was the worst thing that ever happened to marijuana.

I blinked.

“What about the studies of pot fighting cancer? I have a friend that I saw helped with my own eyes.”

Jack answered, “It’s the plant. It’s the whole plant, cannabis, not marijuana, that’s what’s important!”

At the end of our mutual discourse we agreed that the federal government under George Bush was never going to legalize pot [for recreation] because of the anti-establishment mindset that results from smoking pot as recounted in earlier Memoirs chapters.

The next time I saw Jack in 2009 was the last time, he died about a year later. He was in a lot worse shape physically so we didn’t puff tuff though he was ready to. I had come to a different level of understanding about the push against and the prohibition of marijuana/hemp. After some light small talk I asked Jack straight out.

“In biblical terms, do you feel that the fight over Mary Jane, cannabis, is a battle ‘between good and evil’? As a Christian who has researched this topic since our last meeting, that is the conclusion I have reached.”

Jack argued about ‘the rape of the earth’ on a spiritual side and a crime against nature for the sake of money. That didn’t surprise me, but if you’ve read my news blog reports, you know that I tend to look for metaphysical biblical patterns concerning current events. Not everyone does. However, while recently researching an article I came across this passage from the last book that Jack wrote:

“As you will see the book of Revelation is a story of the transformation of the world from a world of oppression fueled by religious prohibition (the curse) and driven to the brink of destruction before there is a great leap of understanding that frees the world, releases the curse and heals mankind. The Tree of Life and the Fountain of Living Waters are the cores of the new world. Plants are the true source of healing and this is made clear. The great spirit of evil and oppression is the spirit of prohibition and the minions of evil are those who accept the mark and attempt to vanquish freedom forever under the guise of truth and law.

The WAR ON DRUGS is the great battle waging between truth and the great lie. Those who are on the side of oppression will find themselves as those who have accepted the mark of the beast.” – Jack Herer

I will never know if my conversation had anything to do with the direction Jack ultimately took beyond his spiritual view to seeing knowledge [mushrooms] as God. The result however reaches the same conclusion. There is a war between the truth and the lie, and at the heart of the truth, is the plant cannabis, in the guise of Mary Jane Green, the name I shared with Jack the last time I saw him.

“Yeah,” he smiled, “I like that.”

“Well, everybody deserves a last name. It came to me over a bowl a month ago as I was writing up a column.” – end part 2
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