by on July 29, 2021
          Hi !! My name is Fianna ! I am a brand new addition to the 420nurse community and soooooo damn excited to be here. My journey only started a month ago when my girlfriend, 420nurse intern QuarterSack told me to pack my things and I left to start a new beginning. Im from a very very... VERY small town and I honestly was so terrified to move to a bigger city where the population is over 200🤭 but then she (my gf) told me she was apart of this really cool thing called....420NURSES !    ...
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by on July 28, 2021
Alright you guys I'm no most of you have been seeing my blogs about trying to partner with crew decannabis I honestly don't know how realistic that would be. Here is why  From what I've gathered the attempt of about 30 people in Pensacola that reminds me about chacha summer and Jimmy's journey back in 2008. So my question to everyone is how would you go about partnering or getting someone to converge into 420 nurses.
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by on July 27, 2021
I have a bunch of goals technically a ten year plan I have put together. I joined 420Nurses as a shy timid chick with not much confidence. With time Iv noticed my pictures from diffrent photoshoots get better and better. I started to push my own boundaries and comfort zone. Some one told me in the past do it till it becomes comfortable, and you will grow. Pushing my own boundaries cracked this protetive shell I built around myself made up of insecurities. I made the uncomfortable become comforta...
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by on July 27, 2021
So out of my head 1st journey into Learning what A 420 nurse is and what it could be I guess I had not expected a few things along the way.  One I kinda expected everyone to be OK with constructive criticism especially when it is out of care and worry.  Too I kind of expected this to be like the sisterhood of the traveling pants and people be more open to be to Being mentors. ...
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by on July 25, 2021
I was trying to think of what to say for my newest blog but the only thing I could come up with was The appreciation I have from marijuana Because of being able to weigh over a 100 pounds. For the 1st time In the past 7 months of my life I have been able to stay steady 120.  Honestly the 420nurses experience has been mind blowing.   Do the moving around my whole life and rand raising myself I never was able was able to win the associal skills I needed to make friends quickly. I was the popula...
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by on July 23, 2021
How many times a week do you go to the store and walk out with a plastic bag in your hand? The gas station, fast food, markets, just about anywhere these days. If you think about it, WAY TO MANY! And they all end up in ANOTHER plastic bag in your house!  It's time to rethink that in a big way! Did you know that Americans use an average of 365 plastic bags per person per year. Yea, I didn't and I was shocked. To think that is how much plastic that can be used by ONE PERSON is astonishing.  ...
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by on July 23, 2021
"Americans are expected to spend twice as much money on weed as on milk this year."   Is that too much to spend on 🌿? Thoughts??  ...
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by on July 23, 2021
The Benefits of Growing Cannabis at home! 🌱  1. Complete Control.  It is always great to know what you are using and how it is produced. When you grow on your own, you have control over the entire process comprising of harvesting, curing, drying, etc. Knowing the time and effort and what was put into your plants is nice. ...
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by on July 23, 2021
Since dark chocolate is an aphrodisiac and some strains are as well. I wonder if we have the women's sex stimulant(s). Now that I have your attention how many of you 429 nurses prefer to smoke before after and/or during sex? What strains bring u to your o face? ...
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by on July 22, 2021
One of the events I talked about going to before going out to Cali if you're weak sicko was called cannabis conversations overtimercedes overt cocktails in downtown Pensacola Florida.. Long story short they changed the date of the event and I was not able to go because I was on my way to Cali .  The owner crystal just added me on Facebook and started talking to me  It turns out she's the owner of krew de kannabis. And she was asking me to go to a meeting on the 1st period I believe the next krew...
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by on July 22, 2021
I'm so excited come join me n learn hear my goals
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by on July 21, 2021
Xoeganjas: THC Infused Chips n Dip  Ingredients:  Cannab butter 🧈  ...
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