Doc Blah
by on August 8, 2019

We are not facebook or instagram we are a networking community -> 

  • Pictures will normally not get banned (unless straight porno)
  • Display of drama on walls or photo gallery is not tolerate  

Please only post modeling pictures and 420 related post on your profile or walls. 

We work really hard on keeping a positive and neutral platform. 

  • if you have issues with individuals please resolve them off the platform. 
  • We are not here to mediate in peoples internal affairs 
  • This is a networking and modeling platform


Violating the terms can be grounds for termination.

Tips to dealing with Issues 

  •  Ignore the individuals 
  • Private Messages can not harm you!
  • If they post publicly report the post or comment - Let them get introuble not you!


420nurses It's your lifestyle!  

Post in: Lifestyle, Random
Topics: banned
10 Liked
10 people like this.
Thanks for sharing
Like August 8, 2019
Excellent Tips!!
Like January 8, 2021