by on July 23, 2021

The Benefits of Growing Cannabis at home! 🌱 

1. Complete Control. 

It is always great to know what you are using and how it is produced. When you grow on your own, you have control over the entire process comprising of harvesting, curing, drying, etc. Knowing the time and effort and what was put into your plants is nice.

2. Freedom to Experiment.

Growing at home gives you the freedom to try your hands-on techniques such as topping, super cropping, or hydroponics. Experimenting with your plants can always be fun and interesting. 

3. Save Your Money. 💰 

Though it depends on your average consumption, just one or two homegrown plants can provide you a steady flow to reduce your expenses big time. And we all like the sound of that! 

4. Super Easy

The plant is quite resilient and hardy and is capable of withstanding abrupt changes in conditions. And will grow just about anywhere with the right help! 

5. Fun & Exciting 🤩 

Growing cannabis at home can be a fun and relaxing hobby. With that being said, you are likely to learn many diverse skills including designing a full growing system or experimenting with your plants. You can pursue this hobby at almost any age.


My own personal experience has been such a fun journey. Every day is something new and exciting with my plants. Learning more and more about the plants and what it takes to keep them growing. And watching them grow has been the most relaxing & accomplished feeling ever! It's nice to see your time & effort growing bigger and bigger everyday! It hasn't all been easy, but that comes with learning these wonderful plant!



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