by on September 8, 2021
ELLO everyone my name is Monica also known as Monijane by many. I'm a 33 year old mother of 4 Beautiful children who keep me driven. My life isnt always easy but hell who is lmao. I become a nurse in February of this year an have loved it still. 
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by on September 7, 2021
HELLO! How many of you beautiful souls suffer from gluten intolerance, I know many who have this issue. I recently started offering my 6 year old top quality C-B-D. He is suffering from this unknown cause of inflammation. We found C-B-D helps his outburst of sores he has been getting in his mouth. Has anyone experienced these issues before, what do you do to help with this? I am new to gluten intolerance plz share any tips will help.
100 views 2 likes
by on August 22, 2021
Wanna book me for a shoot?  I'll be in Arizona Sept 3-6 for business DM me @sexygoddessmami on Instagram  ...
107 views 0 likes
by on August 11, 2021
Tell me...what are the perks of being a 420Nurse? Is your community accepting of you? What is the purpose of your chapter, what's your mission? 
93 views 1 like
by on August 10, 2021
Tell me more about your journey...why did you become a 420Nurse? What is the purpose of a 420Nurse? What do you do as a 420Nurse? Do you get bullied because you are a 420Nurse? Let's chat. 
88 views 1 like
by on August 6, 2021
I love edibles 🥰 I love how I can stay high for hours it's the best I don't always feel like a couch potato high so that's always bitching to I can get things done has for someone who makes edibles I love them strong ! How about you guys opinions would be great 😊 
82 views 1 like
by on August 6, 2021
One of my most favorite edible plants is edamome. It comes from the soybean family be a soybean family. Most people do not know that it is a edible ground cover that you can put over throughout Winter. It is a great source of fiber as well as iron. I don't know how many of you know but I am anemic. I also greatly value self sustained farming and Bing as minimal of a carbon footprint as possible.   As many of you may know I like Mike Reynolds as well as Joel from Polly face farms.  One of t...
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by on August 3, 2021
About 3 months ago, I packed up my car and drove from Atlanta to move to Los Angeles to pursue my dreams as a professional photographer. Since living here, I’ve met so many great people and I’ve gotten a chance to do some amazing photo shoots to make my name known in the city. It’s been a really tough road trying to stay afloat but I’ve been doing my best to keep pushing forward day by day. Yesterday though, I was walking to my car when I noticed that my hood was open. I ran over to check on ...
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by on August 1, 2021
Florida is no stranger to cannabis or cannabis events. With a rich history that includes coining the term “square grouper,” it should come as no surprise that a lack of legal cannabis hasn’t stopped people from enjoying the plant in both personal and social settings. A quick scroll through social media might suggest that regular “seshes” are normal and legal, when the reality is that the event space in Florida operates in a largely “don’t ask, don’t tell” manner.   Since 2015, cities and r...
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by on July 31, 2021
Hey my name is shay! Today I have become a 420 nurse intern and I'm so excited to join this family of amazing people. I think it's going to be an amazing experience to build and grow with everyone. 
75 views 1 like
by on July 31, 2021
Hello!  My name is RaneeB. I'm truly excited to be apart of the 420Nurses team! I would love to be the best promotional model here in LA! ...
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by on July 29, 2021
Today has been such an eye opener for me. I've learned so much about the whole cannabis industry as well as community.   I'm very thankful for the two ladies I met via Instagram today. They are hard working, determined, and knowledgeable in many walks of life but also ADVOCATING and sharing their experiences and adventures. Who have similar ideas and goals. I also should have Finnish everything except for needing 2 more big sales to move up with this platform. My 8 events 8 blogs 13 review...
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