Shauna Ray Webster
by on August 6, 2021

One of my most favorite edible plants is edamome. It comes from the soybean family be a soybean family. Most people do not know that it is a edible ground cover that you can put over throughout Winter. It is a great source of fiber as well as iron. I don't know how many of you know but I am anemic. I also greatly value self sustained farming and Bing as minimal of a carbon footprint as possible. 

 As many of you may know I like Mike Reynolds as well as Joel from Polly face farms.

 One of the things I try to focus on in my future is a self sustained way of living.. I would like to teach others the ways and methods that I am trying to go and through blogging I've been able to do so. If any of you all have followed me from 2 years ago on Facebook you would know I used to be huge into Huggelkulture beds.

 If I get a decent amount of response on this I will continue.

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