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Female Born on July 7
by on October 21, 2022
Hello my 420nurses family. Sorry for being the black sheep of the family, but I did a thing by signing a contract with Diamond Diva Media LLC. I've been a busy bee with publications in multiple magazines, personal affairs, and trying to maintain balance with in all of this and I'm loosing out on a lot of work. So, anyways, I'll be here but not all the time..but I will make an effort to at least be present on here..  Love u guys, Da_toker_420
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by on February 5, 2021
Well this year has just begun and last year was so overrated and overwhelming for us all. But, what I want to accomplish this year is to work on getting published as a 420nurse official intern or model. I haven't been published in anything and I believe that since I'm putting in effort into this, I will conquer and succeed in my own way. 
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by on January 26, 2021
Omg!! This is my second time going to the #twerktuedaze  zoom meeting with you lovely ladies and I enjoyed seeing you girls and learning how to twerk better. I'm going to keep practicing until next week cause I'm determined to shake my money maker baby!! Lol...but what I've learned today was how to W.A.P and shake my thighs to move my little booty meat in a circle. Im gonna get it down pack sooner or later. And y'all's energy made me feel comfortable enough to show my moves and feel confident do...
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by on October 14, 2020
I know I've been slacking on a lot of things, but I'm still pushing onward. Like, I've been dealing with depression, anxiety, street family, family, ex's , and physical health issues that I put my dream....no....my career on hold as a model and 420nurse intern model and I am having a little bit of trouble trying to get back into the swing of things. I can really use the encouragement and support from my sister's, brothers, and fans by helping me regain my confidence in myself to keep going stron...
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by on June 3, 2019
It's been a rough start for me this year. I was battling depression, and a drug habit these few months that's why i haven't been posting as much. But on a good note, the lord heard my prayers though all of this. I've been blessed with a apartment this past week. I had trouble at first looking for a apartment and got even more suck in my depression over the search...that the lord saw me battling with so he put his blessed hands in this chaotic life of mines and blessed me with a apartment.
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by on March 28, 2019
Why should I be the next It's Your Lifestyle Magazine Model you ask? Like all of the other beautiful ladies here that are applying, i want that chance to be published in the magazine, but at the same time, i know for a fact that I, out of all of you beautiful ladies on here, won't even stand a chance to be in the Magazine. Why I say that? Because, I NEVER got picked for anything. I've always signed up for things like this, and even  went as far as to audition for some, but my luck has always fai...
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by on January 2, 2019
Hello everyone, I knw i knw, i said last year that i was going to make a comeback, but 2018 was a bitch of a year for me. I had sooo many issues that VOGUE couldn't even published it...for realz though. I WILL do my best and leave that bs behind in 2018 and look forward to what's to come in 2019.
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by on August 26, 2018
Since March, alot of negative shit has happened to me. In the early morning On March 12, 2018, I bearly just woke up..i haven't even had a cigarette nor coffee yet, but i get yelled at by my ex boyfriend telling me that my other ex boyfriend called my phone over a dozen times and that when he answered my phone,that he hung up on him. Now, my ex knew that i just woke up and haven't even began to light a cigarette yet but he started yelling and cursing me out over the other one calling me to make ...
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by on March 17, 2018
Well, I hit the trouble road dead on recently, and it wasn't looking good for me at all. So i decided to leave the negative behind and start over fresh which i really didn't want to leave behind all of my belongings or leave my place of residents from being a victim of domestic violence. i felt that it was unfair, and that it wasn't my fault and that i shouldn't be the one to leave when i'm the primary leaser, but i swallowed my pride and left. Now, i am safe and in a transitional living with my...
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by on February 2, 2018
I for the first time went to a dispensary yesterday without my card. And i have to say, it was pretty awesome. I purchased some flowers, concertrate and won two edibles, and now I'm about to medicate and get lifted out of this funk I've been in all week.
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by on January 19, 2018
I planned on making a comeback this year. Since this is still the beginning of the year, i am doing big things for myself as a model, a person, and a 420nurse. First, i got arrested, then i got released, then after that i got a job working for SafetyNet Wireless, and after that had a photoshoot and now i got another photoshoot that I'm doing this weekend to build my 420nurses portfolio....i am turning negatives into positives this year cause i hate to say it, this is my mfin' year to make my com...
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by on January 2, 2018
My plans for 2018 is to step my A-game up and be more active this year than i was in 2017. I want to do more with my career and with the 420nurses, and I'll be damnned if i let anything come in my way of achieving this as my goal. I want to become a 420nurse model and still be devoted to my career as a model. This is my year to do it and I'm going for it! My mom use to tell me, "if u wanna be somebody, if u wanna go somewhere, u gotta wake up and pay attention to ur goals and keep ur eyes and fo...
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