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Female Born on August 21
by on January 30, 2021
One of the best parts of my job is testing out new products. Who wouldn't love to get paid for trying free stuff? Usually, the best and most valuable products I get are beauty products. We all would love to improve our skin, especially as we get older we are always looking for new products to help with the bags under our eyes, wrinkles, sagging, and so on. This product seemed promising to me, so I gave it a try. My first thought on the bottle was cute and playful, the top pops off, and then you ...
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by on January 28, 2021
When it comes to family, there's no cookie-cutter; not everyone will be the same. Every family is different, and what may be "normal" for one family won't be the same for another. Within our families, we all have our "roles," whether you are the organized one, best dressed, always late, or the pothead, somehow we all come together to form a unit. Usually, when we are younger, it's easier for us to tolerate each other. As we get older and our personalities and lives take us further away, it becom...
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by on January 27, 2021
When we meet someone and start to like them, we build up all these images of the relationship in our heads. We imagine what the future could be like with them, envisioning relationship milestones and making plans. Sometimes things don't always go according to plan, sometimes the person you are hoping to build a future with had other plans in mind, and they didn't line up with yours. They usually keep us strung along by claiming they don't want to rush things and whatnot. They will make up excuse...
86 views 2 likes
by on January 26, 2021
Tik Tok videos, makeup tutorials, YouTube videos, bomb ass selfies, the list goes on and on with all of the different ways you can use this ring light. Being a brand ambassador/ influencer and reviewer, I am fortunate to get tons of free products. Often, they are products I never even knew existed, and I am so grateful I was introduced to them, so I get very excited to share them with my followers. The first product the company littil sent me was the selfie mini. The Selfie mini connects righ...
101 views 3 likes
by on January 25, 2021
With the amount of weed I smoke, you could imagine my bongs get pretty dirty (especially considering I only smoke from a bong). The worst thing has a build-up on your bong or bowl -not to mention mold in water pipes and bongs, and they are not easy to clean. Without regular cleaning, that grime goes straight into your mouth and body. Between the scraping, boiling, and alcohol methods, it could be tiring and hazardous for you. After researching and finding Kryptonite, I purchased it and couldn't ...
96 views 1 like
by on January 24, 2021
Friendships are tough relationships to navigate because they are not monogamous. We tend to have more than one friend at a time; that is usually how life works. When we are young, we enter school, and we are surrounded by other children in our age group. We are taught to play nicely and that if we didn't have anything nice to say, not to say it at all. I remember being young and enjoyed playing with all my friends on a lunch break or outside on the block. I considered myself lucky because my blo...
109 views 1 like
by on January 23, 2021
When we start a new year, we instinctively make resolutions for ourselves. Whether they are out loud or just some type of goal you had set in your head to manifest, we try incredibly hard to follow through with them. This past year has been a roller coaster for so many people (including myself). More than anything, now is the time to rid our lives of all the unnecessary and damaging people who do not bring any positive energy or have good intentions. Sometimes these people can be friends, family...
84 views 0 likes
by on January 22, 2021
It's funny how the universe has its way of working itself out. I truly believe the universe is talking to us, and we need to listen. Sometimes we are so inside our heads we can't see when someone is mistreating us or lying to us (partly because we don't want to see it because that would mean we would have to face reality and end the relationship). We get gut feelings, and most (if not all of the time), they are accurate. But what happens when your heart won't catch up to what your mind already k...
88 views 2 likes
by on January 21, 2021
Hey everyone! I’m Crystal, your friendly neighborhood canna princess. I hail from NY but split my time between New York and California. I start my day with a huge bong hit, It’s basically like coffee for me. I don’t run on Dunkin’. A few things I love are makeup (Ulta, I am a kid in a candy store) I love lashes, in my opinion, lashes are life. I love lashes so much my lash line will be launching at the beginning of 2021 (exciting). I am also a huge fan of clothes, shoes, and accessories. I just ...
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