by on January 22, 2021

It's funny how the universe has its way of working itself out. I truly believe the universe is talking to us, and we need to listen. Sometimes we are so inside our heads we can't see when someone is mistreating us or lying to us (partly because we don't want to see it because that would mean we would have to face reality and end the relationship). We get gut feelings, and most (if not all of the time), they are accurate. But what happens when your heart won't catch up to what your mind already knows? That's when the universe steps in. When a man you care for is lying to you, you will want to go against your intuition and believe whatever they say until that moment when clarity becomes enlightenment. For some, that could be a cell phone that was accidentally left unlocked. Now, do I agree with invading someone's privacy? No. But what if that person is invading your heart, mind, and body? Is it ok then? Maybe not something to be proud of, but what if it justified all your suspicions? What if the end justified the means? What if it told you everything you needed to know about the man in question? What if you found out this man you have been letting into your heart has also been having the same type of relationship with at least four other women. Would you be able to get past the pictures and sexually explicit text messages? How do you even begin to forgive someone who has hurt you that way? Why would anyone want to? How do we get out of the mental state where we think things can be fixed? Sometimes there's just no coming back from certain situations no matter how much we want to. Now that all our fears and suspicions have been proven correct, what's the next step? What if that person needed something from you, and being with you or on your good side would be the only way he would get it. Would you believe him when he says sorry? Would you believe him when he tells you it meant nothing and it's not a big deal? Your heart wants to accept it, but your mind has everything that you've seen embedded, and every time you think about it or him, you see everything all over again. Eventually, you have to block the messages and click unfollow because letting go is the only way to heal. When all you've ever been to this person was a game, it's time to forfeit and just let them win. The universe showed us what we needed to see for a reason. Don't let the signs it tries to show you go missed. It might be something life-changing.

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