by on January 23, 2021

When we start a new year, we instinctively make resolutions for ourselves. Whether they are out loud or just some type of goal you had set in your head to manifest, we try incredibly hard to follow through with them. This past year has been a roller coaster for so many people (including myself). More than anything, now is the time to rid our lives of all the unnecessary and damaging people who do not bring any positive energy or have good intentions. Sometimes these people can be friends, family, or lovers; regardless of who they are, it is crucial to start the new year with a clean slate. If you did not enter 2021 with me on good terms, please do not try to be in my 2021. This year I have so much going on, so distractions aren't an option for me. As crazy as 2020 was, I have to say I learned a lot about myself, I've grown in ways I had never imagined. I have to say I am quite pleased with how I am entering 2021 between my new job, new business, and my non-profit. This year will be incredibly exciting and busy, so I am excited to let everyone in on my journey!

This year I will no longer be forgiving people who do not deserve it (neither should you). If you had done me wrong in some way, shape, or form, you knew exactly what you were doing, and the only reason you are sorry is that I brought whatever was bothering me to your attention. I am no longer putting my feelings aside to make people more comfortable; that ship has sailed. If you can not show me the same energy I show you in a friendship or relationship, please do not waste my time. Why do we let people take advantage of us? Do we want people to like us so badly we are willing to accept being treated poorly or unfairly? Does it stem from childhood trauma? I think there are so many answers to these questions. I think the constant feeling of abandonment made me this way; I always feel the need to please people. Slowly, I believe this trait in me changing; I just wish it could have started sooner. I wish I knew everything I know now, ten years ago. I guess that's why they call it personal growth.

Think and speak things into existence. Manifest everything, and don't tell anyone your goals until they are being played out in real-time. Unfortunately, there are too many "haters" in this world that will make you doubt yourself and discourage you from following through with your vision. Most of the time, it's nothing personal; they see a drive and potential in you and know they are too lazy or unmotivated themselves even to think they can do something on that level, so they try to drag you down as well. Don't let anyone make you feel that you can't do something; that's why it's best to keep it all to yourself. If you have to do everything by yourself, then do it. It might take longer in the long run, but it will save you the aggravation in the end. After all the curveballs and turmoil 2020 has caused so many people, let 2021 be the year you became the best version of yourself. Don't settle for less than you deserve; no matter how much it hurts to let people go, you are only hurting yourself if you hold on.

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