by on April 30, 2021

So, the dreaded "about me", the summary of myself written out for all the internet to see... (insert ominous fanfare)

Photography, it is my happy place, its what refills my soul after the grindstone of life. I love that picture that captures not only what i see but what i feel. I love shooting a person and allowing them to see in themselves something they didnt before. 

How it all began....so in my younger days i recruited for an early internet porn site. It was every negative stereotype imaginable. One day their camera man didnt show so i got asked to "snap a few pics". Well i failed miserably, in what they wanted. They wanted basic strait on "get the action" and i wanted angles, close ups, playing with the focus. Or as the owner called it "that arty shit". Well i liked "that arty shit" and soon after bought my own camera and film (yes film that fucking long ago) and started going to town on cities, animals, nature, people, anything i could.

Well fast forward 20 years (god im old *sigh*) and i still love shooting. After a slight disaster i had to start from scratch, out of thousands of pictures i was able to save........27. and i found myself not caring. every time the shutter flipped i feel a little better about life. now a couple years after the profile is back to strong and i find my free time sitting and editing.

My Style:

The first thing you will notice is that when editing I prefer a heavier hand, a more stark and drastic look. Its what appeals to me, and while fully capable of a "normal" edit, my heart always goes to "that arty shit".

In business ive found a small niche working with content creators and while i by no means mind, i love more the creative shoots. lets dress up and make props and get smoke bombs and fire and fog and..... sorry got a little distracted there. But alas all that costs money, as does equipment, and supplies, and until i win the powerball i will work my day job and shoot what i need to when i must and what i want when i can. Because even if its not my favorite style that shutter still is my happy place.


Oh and i have a 6yo little girl who is an absolute diva/tyrant :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:

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