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Scarlett Sativa

Female Lives in Las Vegas, Nevada, United States Born on November 21
Scarlett Sativa
by on May 4, 2015
I like to live my life with the understanding I am healthy but in all reality I am sick with no explanation. I have had one surgery to remove Throglossal Duct Carcinoma from the midline of my throat. After 13 ENT's ( Ear Nose. And Throat Specialist) 3 Oncologists and the surgery. I thought I was healed after the CT came back negative. Thinking I was in the clear wasa huge mistake... My gut has never failed me..Why would it start relaying a wrong message now. A month goes by Now over this past ...
144 views 0 likes
by on April 20, 2015
I'm sure most of you associate the term 420 with your time to medicate. Do you know how that time of day came about. If you did not, here is a little bit of insight. A group in California called The Waldos would gather at 4:20 Louis to toke back. Due to several failed attempts for 4:20 Louis felt shy of others. Essentially sticking with as we commonly know as 4:20. What 420 means to me. 4:20am or 4:20pm is not only my reminder to medicate it is my time for myself. The time I know I can have t...
120 views 3 likes
by on April 14, 2015
When I think of a leader, Mary Church Terrell, Eleanor Roosevelt and Mae Jemison come to mind. All these women are honest,passionate, have integrity and do not look at people as individuals but as equal to come to a common goal. What a leader will do for you, look at each person as themselves not what they could be. To look at someone and tell what strengths and weakness they may have; not to look at ones weakness as a disability yet an area of opportunity for growth. Your team will look for g...
129 views 2 likes
by on April 7, 2015
Ladies grab your straighteners, fellas grab your girls straightener and toss that Bho. The revolution of clean and tasty meds have begun . Right in the comfort of your bedroom. That's right grab your bud jars, plug that straighteners in and let the concentrate making begin. I honestly did not believe making concentrates from flowers with essientely a heating rod would be possible but it is. I have saw the videos and tried it myself. You take a small or medium sized frosty nug and some wax paper ...
139 views 1 like
by on April 2, 2015
I have been trying to write this blog for like a week now. My PTSD and ADD/ADHD are really intruding, so Please spare me the judgement with my writing. I would have to say one of my favorite photo shoots. The turnout with ladies was not as large as we thought, however it made the meeting more personal with a purpose. We were able to get to know a little about each of the girls and a major feel for their personalities. I would recommend anyone to get their photographs taken by Rogue Marley. She...
129 views 2 likes
by on February 28, 2015
After doing my 3rd web appearance on a radio show aired online. I have come to love the feeling of a radio personality. I had a dream last night. I was hosting a 420 Nurse Broadcast. The show went from talking about news, product reviews, canna cooking and a mini photoshoot to advertise that guest nurse. Omg Nurses Nurses how much fun would that be and how far we could go with a r20 Nurse Online Broadcast. Summer, Cha Cha if you are reading, if it sounds good to you. Give me t g e green light to...
118 views 3 likes
by on February 22, 2015
I have not been on the site as much lately. Because I have not felt that beautiful with the amount of pain and discomfort I am in. Tomorrow is a very anticipated day for me which may cause me great grief. My hopes are high that the doctors will find no New tumors and all the lumps and pain are only refinements of my judgment. Please if anyone is reading this.All I ask is that you help me in this time with prayer or reaching to your higher power. Tomorrow will bring great health and negative resu...
113 views 1 like
by on February 15, 2015
Any time I attend a 420 Nurse event or have worked an Cannabis function . I find it myself so privileged. Why? Today,as any other day in our industry. We have made history. We have brought together some passionate beautiful women to promote Cannabis. To whom are going to take us far . Congratulations Oregon for Legalization. Thank you Cha Cha, Rain and Jimmy for making this opportunity possible &&& Of course Thanks, to Oregon's Chapter President Bho Baribie. She was so welcomimg bu...
154 views 4 likes
by on September 5, 2014
I am a 420 Nurse to inspire others that believe Cannabis Cures and mainly to show the world that Cannabis Does Cure!!! I am living, walking, and breathing because Cannabis saved my life. I have Thyroid Cancer and within 10 months of the masses coming about they shrunk just as quickly with the power of this remarkable flower. To where the doctors have been astonished and wondering how and why these masses have gone from 7cm to practically disappearing. My only words for them was Marijuana. The l...
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