Scarlett Sativa
by on April 2, 2015
I have been trying to write this blog for like a week now. My PTSD and ADD/ADHD are really intruding, so Please spare me the judgement with my writing.

I would have to say one of my favorite photo shoots. The turnout with ladies was not as large as we thought, however it made the meeting more personal with a purpose. We were able to get to know a little about each of the girls and a major feel for their personalities. I would recommend anyone to get their photographs taken by Rogue Marley. She will direct you in the way you feel guided rather forced to pose. Making the position more natural felling rather than stiff. Her professionalism made it to where if the situation became sticky ( We live in the Rainy Northwest) she was able to remain calm and collected to find solution to the problem with the outcome greater than expected. I cannot wait until she gets her chapter together.

TO BE CONTINUED........................

AHHHHH there is so much more I want to say but my head is spinning due to the ADD/ADHD... Going to medicate then continue the blog... Happy SesHing
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Summer Rain
thank you for sharing , The turnout looked great and I can't wait to see you girls grow! Those moments spent getting to know eachother can sometimes, be the best opportunities! I can't wait to shoot with [x=69870]Rogue Marley[/x] and your girls pictures came out so good! much love!
Like April 3, 2015