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Female Lives in denver, California, United States Born on August 19
by on March 3, 2015
Today was a pretty good Monday, got a lot done, stayed busy. I got to clean my room, and I went to Walmart to buy a juicer. While I was leaving I had almost slipped on some ice bringing my bags to the car. Close by was an elderly man who worked for Walmart collecting the carts. It was a pretty chilly night tonight in Colorado, he told me to be careful. I told him he should be careful there is ice everywhere! He said yeah its not my favorite part of the job, but they are short handed right now an...
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by on February 27, 2015
Yesterday Lucky Lou, Chris, and I were driving around getting some stuff done, when we passed a house with an elderly couple outside. The lady was sweeping the porch and the man was shoveling his walkway. The man was in a wheelchair so we decided to turn around, park the car and go help. When we got there you could tell the old man had served for his country he was a little stubborn and almost didn't accept our help. We let him know it was free of charge and to please let us takeover. He and the...
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by on February 19, 2015
I met a tattoo artist at a bar one day, I got to talking about wanting to do some work with him, he had seemed interested so I gave him one of my cards. He looks down looks back up at me with a huge smile and says, your lexileggo, and I was like yeah, and he was like oh wow that's so cool I follow you! We go outside to smoke a bowl and he was so excited to do work on my leg. I had had a rose and a banner on my calf that I did not like very much because I never got it finished. I told him the mea...
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by on February 2, 2015
Life is interesting, I have been looking back on just my past year, and in 12 short months so much has changed. I remember January 3, 2014 I hopped on a gray hound to Colorado. I was so ready for the change, when I first got there I had to encounter so many bumps in the road. I lived with my boyfriend at the time, in his mothers basement, I had to find a job and do it fast. In just two weeks I found myself working at Ruby Tuesday, after a month of living with my boyfriends mom we needed to find ...
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by on February 2, 2015
I first want to say thank you to everyone who came out and celebrated with us, I hope you all had an amazing time. I know I did, I was so faded by the end of the night. It was amazing seeing Cha Cha and Summer, but it was also amazing seeing everyone I haven't seen in so long. I got to smoke Caviar Gold which I do not get the luxury of doing in Colorado. I also got to play 420 football, I haven't played in 2 years so it was good to be back on the game board. I fumbled my first hit, but that's wh...
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by on January 27, 2015
I just finished reading "A Field Guide to Lucid Dreaming" by: Dylan Tuccillo, Jared Zeizel, and Thomas Peisel. The book teaches people how to lucid dream, be lucid while awake, and WILD dream. I had taught myself how to do these things on my own when I was about 20. The steps they tell us to take, I had already taken, all except one. The only difference was I never kept a dream journal. They tell you to wake back to sleep. Which basically means when you wake up stay up for a few minutes then go ...
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by on November 11, 2014
it has officially snowed in denver, it is currently 6 degrees when earlier this week it was sunny and warm. those days are gone, i am not ready, i am a spoiled cali girl who loves her cali sunshine. it is time for hot tea slippers and blankets. It feels like cuddling season, although i wont be doin much of that. cant let the cold slow down my grind or a man take away my focus. lol.
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by on November 11, 2014
Have you ever felt like you are stuck in a hamster wheel like your flirting with success but your getting fucked by this bitch called life. I feel that way now, like i am so close yet so far from my dreams and thats okay because when you see that little light you just wanna sprint to it. I will always chase dreams, i am a dream chaser, i am determined to live a life style that i am happy with. Life is what you take on and surround yourself with. bumps will always be in the road, just dont trip o...
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by on November 3, 2014
My first Tour was amazing! I got hired by Catch A Fire, we were on the Safe in Sound Music Festival. Hosted by Rockstar with performances by Adventure Club, Destroid, Excision, Zeds Dead, Caked Up, and many more. We sold a lot of light show accessories, including light gloves, pacifiers, rings, bracelets, neck pieces, and of course many different kinds of fraction glasses. We went to many places and saw some beautiful things, we started in Reno, went to LA, Salt Lake City, Phoenix, Las Vegas, an...
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by on July 10, 2014
Today is july 10 in the 420 community that is 710 which is oil spelled backwards and upside down. Numbers are very important and usually hide a secret message. Today starts the 710 cup which is being put on by grassroots. It is going from the 10-13 many vendors are going to be there. If you go be sure to take pictures with the booths, introduce yourself, let them know you are a 420 nurse looking to be hired, if they cant do it for this event , get there contact information for future opportuniti...
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by on July 10, 2014
I had such an amazing time at the south park music festival. I went with a friend of mine todd who is a photographer for one of the djs who preformed. Dj vinnie, the first day we arrived it was 11:30pm,right before dj vinnie went on and he let us come on stage and dance around and hype up the crowd. We had a lot of fun. I met luke of oppis law whom I had been facebook friends with for months. I was glad to finally meet him. I saw aj hashman there from at home baked goods and stixx. He dressed u...
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by on December 3, 2013
The Normal Meeting, as always, was so much fun. Bailey and I had spent the night in a hotel near by because we had also gone to the tree hoWuse the night before. We got a lot of pictures taken because we were able to hang out for two days straight basically. I was the first one at the tree house and I brought candy for munchies. When I was filling up the bowls is when bailey had showed up so we went into the bathroom to finish getting ready. Then Shesinked had come so we went around to the table...
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