by on January 27, 2015
I just finished reading "A Field Guide to Lucid Dreaming" by: Dylan Tuccillo, Jared Zeizel, and Thomas Peisel. The book teaches people how to lucid dream, be lucid while awake, and WILD dream. I had taught myself how to do these things on my own when I was about 20. The steps they tell us to take, I had already taken, all except one. The only difference was I never kept a dream journal. They tell you to wake back to sleep. Which basically means when you wake up stay up for a few minutes then go back to sleep, knowing you are about to enter the dream world. It also taught us to ask ourselves in the waking world if we are dreaming. Lucid dreaming can be an amazing powerful tool. I want to practice asking questions before I go to bed; such as, what is my future, what happens when you die, can I talk to my older self 20 years from now, ext. I am happy I read the book, even though I feel I already taught myself all of it, its good to have read it in writing. I definitely recommend people to read this book and learn how to master the Art of Lucid Dreaming.
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