by on May 23, 2022
On Thursday I was looking through Eventbrite for free shows for the weekend, (Thank God shows are back!!!)  when I happened to stumble upon a free massage!!! It was a free scalp massage, provided by Pure Skin & Scalp Wellness. While going to open the event I thought to myself, I wonder what's the catch... So I dig further to find out the details because I could really use this opportunity. I read the information and I called the Studio to find out, it is in fact, a free treatment  by appointment...
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by on March 2, 2019
I can remember at a very young age being around cannabis; I may not have known exactly what it was at the time but looking back at those times and knowing what I know now, makes all the difference.  I would say that Cannabis is very beneficial for anyone and Everyone! I can say that it definitely helps with any anxiety that I may have, to maybe having a little trouble with eating (due to my stomach problem), and trouble with sleeping. It helps relax and ileviate any pain I may have as well...
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