by on October 14, 2022
Hello eveyone, my  name is intern 420nurse Rubydabs. Many probably remember me but probably not because I had been in a mental health haitas for quite some time.  then I got pregnant and for those who do know me know I have recently lost 2 children less than a month apart. This year brought me so much hope and pain. I had hope and felt blessed because I was going to be a new mommy to a beautiful daughter. Pain because then the unexpected happened and I had a still birth then a month later my 17y...
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by on June 29, 2021
      Pic #1^: before loosing the weight Pic #2^ - me at my lowest point mentally and physically  Pic #3 ^ - this photo was taken at a photography event in the last 2 months :))   ...
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by on September 20, 2020
Hey guys!!! This is my first blog as an official member for the Viva Las Vegas Chapter. My friend Ryin introduced me to the group and said I should join! Because I have a background in modeling, marketing, and i LOVE cannabis; the 420 Nurses is a great opportunity for me. Going forward I hope to grow in the cannabis community and connect with conniseurs, experienced growers, chefs, in order to gain more knowledge myself. Ending the stimga on cannabis is a big deal to me, and having the knowle...
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