by on July 8, 2020
So after living in Las Vegas for a few years, I have up and moved back to Colorado, my life is pretty unpredictable in that nature. I am so happy to be back in Colorado. It has only been a few weeks and right when i got back i met up with a best friend of mine. We were originally going to just record some music, we are working on an album, and next thing i knew we were off to a camping adventure. We ventured up to a mountain did some mineing and then the next day we woke up and ventured off to a...
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by on April 3, 2020
I made some  thc brownies, and cookies, and my roomate and i went to the Red Rocks Canyon in Las Vegas Nevada to go on a hike, we brought some weed and some sandwhiches, and water, and we did some cleaning. I like to clean when going on adventures I have done some fun videos with my friends in Colorado and figured this would be a good time to clean vegas and so we made a video which i will upload later but here is an example of a past video ( ) I am sup...
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