Angelheart clothing
by on October 9, 2018
Wednesday I believe is a meeting of the fashion show, please come, and make sure all last minute details are nailed, down.
Look on the page for updates and tell your friends , this is going to be a good opportunity for you all .
many photographers are coming..
I am shopping today and finding my wig, so be prepared for a surprise !
by the way 99c store has all sorts of things. sock, and stockings and necklaces, witch hats and great masks if you are wearing 420 gear, dress it up and show us your Halloween dream or nightmare.
so if you are model some good tips on what to bring, is
a small bag, for bobby pins and safety pins, stockings, and or spanx, or nipple pads for quick changes.
cotton balls and q tips are good for all sorts of things and fix up makeup quick, please keep all things neat and a good idea is to label your bag , I have been in the industry for many years and something always takes a walk,. prevent that by markering your name, I also suggest that you bring a pillow case so that you can take all your dirty things and not leave anything behind, so be kind to the makeup artist and always be on time a good model, is a assest, and shows her grace and style on the runway and offstage professionalism will get you hired quick on sets , and make you a valuable commodity.
doing wardrobe for cirque du soliel, Haunted Hollywood sports and many other events, the actors or models is what brings the designer creation to life!
have fun, relax and show us your inner clown or style diva. ! being relaxed in the crowd and practicing your walk will put you ahead of the crowd of models.
Shoe advice, get some good supports and tape your toes or put cushion pads on the back of your heel.
check your heels, good advice put some tape on the bottom of your heel., this will prevent falling or slipping in on the runway, many pro models have been brought down by this. practice , practice, practice. !! and you will be fierce. !!
ok. im resting my back today with some hash and Norwalk home grown short bus pimp, !! and had to turn on phone and communication devices.
I did well at my show and was invited back.
side note on my back, ! MY CORSETS SUCK. ! ok. so im redoing some of my outfits, I will have at least one corset for sale. and probably a few others as I can not stand the pinch any more.
I am hoping my back eases and I can come on Wednesday, I have appt, early in the day, so I will see you all Friday, for set up.
meeting is at the boo tique and have a great time.
Happy Halloween.
please see the attached flyer this is the next history event I am promoting if you are interested in attending please contact me tickets are sold online.
I can arrange and outing for us and take photos in costume they are having day of the dead on nov, 3.
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Angelheart clothing
the graphic is for a Halloween event that I made costumes for upcoming, event,
Like October 9, 2018