by on April 18, 2011
JAPAN Man made machine out to destroy us!

Mar 11, 2011 Japan's massive -9.0 quake spawned the deadly tsunami that slammed Beyond what the 420Nurses can imagine followed by the ongoing aftershock sequence ALL_Natural Disaster_

In Japan, high radiation is found! Man Made Nuclear Plan is a threat
Radiation levels are far too high for repair crews to go inside. Now the 420Nurses can only hope Marijuana Crop will be low in radiation this year and forever!

We can only imagine how much Longer this will continue to slowly deteriorate us as a whole. Natural Disasters, Man Made Weapons that would destroy the world 10x's killing all of us instantly! Things that are happening to the world is a piece of evidence that we do exist and this world we live in is not a fragment of my imagination.

The 420Nurses has given Aid support to the cause with Donations and more!
Thank you to those who Joined us!
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