by on March 31, 2014
Last week a state bill got started in the committee stage concerning GMO food. A blog was posted in the blog section of alerting folks and asking for help with just a phone call. A story asking for help was NOT posted to the NEWS or to the Calendar. This was to test the power of the 420Nurses as a marketing/campaign tool.

Recently a new state bill was introduced into committee. With the help of a phone-in campaign the bill passed the first huddle, the Health Committee.

TODAY WE NEED 5 PHONE CALLS to the next, even more challenging committee vote - the 5-member Agriculture Committee which is set for a Tuesday morning 4/1 meeting.

The script is simple.

“Hello, I am calling in support of State Bill [or SB] 1381 to label GMOs.”

They will then ask your name and either what your zip code is, or what town you live in. this is done to verify that you live in the district. This is the simplest form of voting and does not require registration. This is your freedom. Use it and please make the 5 calls in 5 minutes. Faster than Geigo and saves your ass, not your money.

Here are the members of the Ag Committee and their contact information

Senator Phone

1. Cathleen Galgiani (916) 651-4005

2. Anthony Cannella (916) 651-4012

3. Tom Berryhill (916) 651-4014

4. Ted W. Lieu (916) 651-4028

5. Lois Wolk (916) 651-4003

The only urban member is Lieu, an environmentalist Democrat in South Bay. The others are all rural and can be heavily influenced by our opposition. Sen. Wolk voted yes this week as a member of the Health committee but she has not committed to co-sponsoring the bill. As they are agriculture, if conversational opinion is asked for, you are concerned about proven cross-contamination by GMO pollen as it affects exports. Gotcha!

This is like a race with someone jumping hurdles. We clear them all and make it to the finish line. Thanks for being on the team!! Let's do it!

Ed note: this story is appearing today on and Temecula Calendar only.
Post in: Health, Politics, News
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