by on January 18, 2012
In the Senate the bill is called the PROTECT IP Act (PIPA). SOPA has gotten more attention than PIPA because it was moving faster in the legislative process. But PIPA is just as dangerous, and now it is moving faster.

PIPA would give the government new powers to block Americans' access websites that corporations don't like. The bill lets corporations and the US government censor entire websites and cut sites off from advertising, payments and donations.

This legislation will stifle free speech and innovation, and even threaten popular web services like Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook.

The bill is scheduled for a test vote in the Senate on Jan. 24th: We need to act now to let our lawmakers know just how terrible it is. Will you fill out the form above to ask your lawmakers to oppose the legislation and support a filibuster?
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thank you <img src="" alt="Smile" title="Smile" title="v_middle" /> Please SHARE!! This is really important <img src="" alt="Smile" title="Smile" title="v_middle" />
Like January 18, 2012
Doc Blah
Please Share this!
Like January 18, 2012
Thank you for sharing all.. OUR RIGHTS must remain OURs..
Like January 18, 2012