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Female 31 years old
by on February 27, 2016
Hello wonderful souls, I hope you all are having a wonderful month so far!! I know I've bee awfully busy! I really want to make more time to become more active through #420nurses so hopefully I will be putting out a blog a week (if my weeks are that interesting that is haha). As I said though, today I'll be talking about self love. Which has always been very difficult for me because I was body shamed and ostracized from a young age and it caused lasting issues in my life. I have recently made...
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by on February 13, 2016
Hello loves!! Sorry I have been so inactive recently, I have been working on some major changes in my life. I have recently broken up with my boyfriend in fear of the relationship going down an abusive path. The only way I could see a way out at this point was to break it off before I had any long lasting damage. Now, I don't want anyone to worry, he never laid a hand on me. Most of the issues were him being rude to me, demeaning me in public and in our private time, and just chipping away ...
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by on October 30, 2015
So my last post was about how I was not sure if I should choose my own happiness or if I should have stayed with my boyfriend to keep him happy. I ended up ending the relationship, and I think it will work out for the best honestly. I was giving my all, but I just could not keep him happy, and in turn that kept me from being happy. All I was honestly, was stressed and that is no good in a relationship. Mind you, I did try very hard to keep the relationship going, we were together for almos...
113 views 1 like
by on October 27, 2015
If there is one thing I hate the most and just cannot get used to it would be how constant change is in our society. It is so hard when I finally just get used to the way something is going, and then wham out of nowhere something comes up and I have to execute a huge change in my life. It can cause such great anxiety that sometimes self-medicating does not help, especially when the change coming is going to affect another’s feelings. I have always tried to be a sympathetic when it comes to ot...
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by on October 3, 2015
Hey guys! I am so excited to post my first blog entry! First off I wanna thank you guys for checkin out my page! I am super excited to become an intern for 420nurses and meet tons of new people in the cannabis community. I am 23 years old and have been using cannabis for about 6 years or so. It has helped me in so many aspects of my life and has caused me to become a big supporter of the cannabis legalization movement. I'm going to make this post more about me just so you guys can get a s...
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