by on February 27, 2016
Hello wonderful souls,
I hope you all are having a wonderful month so far!! I know I've bee awfully busy! I really want to make more time to become more active through #420nurses so hopefully I will be putting out a blog a week (if my weeks are that interesting that is haha). As I said though, today I'll be talking about self love. Which has always been very difficult for me because I was body shamed and ostracized from a young age and it caused lasting issues in my life. I have recently made the decision to change the way I think and the way I look at myself. And I decided to share my journey with all of you! I am very proud of myself because I have came so far in the short time I have tried to change my mindset, but I can already feel the difference that is making in my life. After the ending of my last relationship I took a very long look at my life and the path I was taking, and decided to change it. I have started doing yoga for at least 3 hours a day, meditating almost every night, and keeping a positive mindset. Achieving all of these things has helped me learn to enjoy the time I have alone with myself and the vessel that the gods and goddesses have given me. And for the first time in my life I can say I am happy with myself and who I am as a person.
As someone who has lived with depression for so long being happy with myself is a very rare thing, and I am hoping these changes I am making in my life will have a lasting effect on my life and my disease. I want to share my stories so I can hopefully help another person who is going through the same things. I understand everyone has a story and everyone has a hard time and I just want to help someone make their life a little easier and a little brighter. I know it is hard, and that things look tough, but as someone who was just on the dark side of depression I promise you it does get better. Just make sure to find the things that make you happy, and work on those instead of dwelling on the past or whatever is on your mind and keeping you down
Much love forever and always
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