by on February 13, 2016
Hello loves!!
Sorry I have been so inactive recently, I have been working on some major changes in my life. I have recently broken up with my boyfriend in fear of the relationship going down an abusive path. The only way I could see a way out at this point was to break it off before I had any long lasting damage. Now, I don't want anyone to worry, he never laid a hand on me. Most of the issues were him being rude to me, demeaning me in public and in our private time, and just chipping away at the person I was and wanted to be. After a year of being pushed down and stepped on I have decided to take my happiness back into my own hands, because that is the only place it should belong. Unfortunately it took this terrible turn of events for me to realize anything, silly silly me. I feel like I could major in toxic and bad relationships haha. Another very exciting piece of information that I am ready to share is I am saving up the money and hopefully will be moving to the state of Washington within the next year (hopefully this spring)! I have dreamed of living in the northwest my whole life and I feel like now that I have my newly found wings it is time to fly!! I am lucky enough to have some family and friends who live in the PNW area so I hopefully won't have to make my trip all by myself Smile
I really hope all of this works out, I would like to continue my life in a more positive environment, and I feel like moving out of the state and environment I'm currently in would make a big difference. I am very dependent on the people I live on and that is no way to live my life, I think that dependency and the negative environment was part of the reason I was so susceptible to the toxicity of people around me. He made things seem so bright and pretty, until he decided that time was over. Nothing in my life was as bright as he could be, but when he got on his bad side, I wanted to run for cover. Never before had I experienced highs and lows like that, and somehow he convinced me it was normal. My fear is that if it was so easy for him to convince me that his behavior was normal, he will be able to convince me he can change and we will get back together. I really have been trying to keep my distance and not speak to him at all, but it is just all so messy. If you all could just send me your positive vibes and good thoughts that would be so much. Strength is the one thing I need right now.
Much love always and forever,
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