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Female Lives in Rosarito, Mexico Born on December 28, 1993
by on December 4, 2013
Sorry i forgot yesterday, it was my only day off and i had so much to do it was rediculous. So day 13 a day late. One thing you may not know about me. . I love the country, and everything about it. I was raised in the country and i was raised on the land. 3 channels, no video games, just ouside and friends. . The city is full of jerks who dont give a damn about anyone exept their self and their money. . Where i was raised, everyone was family, and everyone was treated as such. . The city is full...
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by on December 2, 2013
Day 12 Damn it's been a long day. So here it goes. Once again sorry for being late, life ya know? . One thing you may not know about me. . I don't believe in organized religion. . Although I believe that any belief you have that makes you happy, go for it. I still have my point of view. . I believe there is something that made us for a reason. That it may not be in any lifetime close to ours, but in some point we will find what we were made for. . I believe that every person has his role i...
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by on December 1, 2013
Day 11. One thing you may not know about me. . One thing you may not know about me is although I have been through many things in my life I believe that the only thing that everyone needs to survive is love. . As that being my belief it has been a goal of mine to spread every ounce of love that I can, not only share my love but accept others as we'll. . As a child u wasn't shown the right kind of love, and my aunt was then only mother figure I had while living with my father. We'll she died w...
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by on November 30, 2013
Day 10 one thing you may not know about me. . I do not drive. And i absolutely hate technology As a girl who loves nature I feel that driving is the one thing that pollutes nature the most. And because of that id rather walk, carpool or take a bus to my destinations. There are so many things in this world and the only thing I see when I look at them is how much they have ruined the one thing that sustains everything we live on. People take nature for granted until there's gonna be none left...
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by on November 30, 2013
Day 10 one thing you may not know about me. . I do not drive. And i absolutely hate technology As a girl who loves nature I feel that driving is the one thing that pollutes nature the most. And because of that id rather walk, carpool or take a bus to my destinations. There are so many things in this world and the only thing I see when I look at them is how much they have ruined the one thing that sustains everything we live on. People take nature for granted until there's gonna be none left...
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by on November 29, 2013
Day 9 I hate doctors, and I hate pills. . I hate doctors because 1, almost none of them care. And 2, with all the things I have been through I am scared that they will tell me I have something that someone else I love is going to have to take care of. I've never been the one to ask for help, and I've always been the one people could lean on. So knowing that something could make people see me different, scares me. . I don't like pills because I don't think something made by man should be abl...
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by on November 29, 2013
Obviously for this thanksgiving blog I'm going to tell you what I'm thankful for. . 1) I'm thankful for friends, because without them, I'm not even sure id be here. The people I meet lighten up my life and remind me that I'm important to someone. 2) I'm thankful for my fiancé. As I could have never met such a perfect man. With such a big heart and he loves every piece about me. He shows me love in more ways someone's ever showed me. In every thing he does there's nothing but love. 3) I'm than...
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by on November 27, 2013
Day 7 guys. Lets do this. . For today my roomate gave me a great idea. Today imma do my pet peves. . 1) I hate crumbs on my fuckin bed. I go insane. 2) I can not stand the "N" word. Its like nails on a chalk board. 3) I cant stand when people think they know what they are talking about when they have no real expierence in the subject. 4) cant stand being pinched. 5) saliva is the worst thing in the world even knowing its near me makes me gag. 6) may be rude but I cant stand when a bigger pers...
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by on November 26, 2013
One thing you may not know about me. Day 6. . So today's blog is gonna be deep, with telling you things about me I figure its a good idea to tell you the main reason that my body and brain are so fucked. . Well as i have said i have gone through a lot of things. When i was 4 I was molested by my grandfather for about 2 years before he had his heart attack. When i was 5 my father raped me untill i was 11. When i was 6 my moms second husband made me do things to him. I didnt know who my mother w...
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by on November 25, 2013
Sorry its late, got to stoned! One thing you may not know about me. . Ill start off by saying I have PTSD, fibromyalgia, bipolar, depression, sever anger and and there is something wrong with my immune system, that the doctors dont know exactly what it is. . Now the reason I am telling you this is because they are probably things you would have never seen in my personality. . Although I have been through probably more then one woman should, I am also not like anyone else you will ever meet. ...
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by on November 24, 2013
Sorry it's late!!! But here it goes! One thing you may not know about me. . Along with being bisexual I am also a polygamist, as is wonderful fiancé. Although being only 19 I have done a lot in my life, been through more things then I should, and have seen more people in my life ruined their life's by not doing what their heart tells them. We'll I also learned from that, and from there decided to take an interest in sex and everything about it when I was about 16. Although there are still m...
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by on November 23, 2013
Day 3, one thing you may not know about me. When i was 13 i was told i can never conceive Children. Growing up i didnt know my mother, and my father, well lets say hes the worst person in the world. Well i also felt growin up that i was ment to be a mother, but unfortunately that was ripped away from me. my dream was to always have 2 kids, and if i wanted more i would adopt more. Well my plans were forced to chance when I got the news that conceiving children is not possible for me. So although...
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