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Indica Honey

Female Lives in Jacksonville, Florida, United States Born on July 24
Indica Honey
by on June 21, 2017
Ok ok so my daily doobie is turning into a weekly weed! Haha just kidding but for real u have so much going on i have to learn to get my routine down! These days i crave routine and some sense of normalcy to my life... After all the craziness i have gone through in my travels... Although still holding out for the perfect home i want to be able to travel as well and show my little girl the world! I feel like traveling is so great for children and helps them be more well rounded but i know a child...
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by on June 10, 2017
Ahh i almost forgot !! Today has been a pretty eventful day actually yesterday has to I decided to sign up for Rodan & Fields probably will be a shock to some because I'm all into the natural stuff but they are cruelty free they do not test on animals so that's one of the main important things to me. Has any of my fellow 420nurses or any of my fans tried Rodan & Fields if so what did you think? Still getting rid of a lot of things yard sales keep me busy on the weekends and now playing my new bu...
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by on June 8, 2017
Oh shoot i am trying to remember to stay up on my blogs daily!!! Ummm lets see whats some great info from today....? Well juice is great making fresh juice over buying premade is way more alkaline and more alive enzymes... I post a bunch of healthy stuffs on my instagram pages indica honey and sacred cow lifestyle..... Also juicing fresh cannabis leaves is soooo healthy lots of vitamins and minerals.... I want to also give a shout out to Macka B for making awesome rhymes about veggies and fruits...
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by on June 7, 2017
Every day i work through my issues and get through like a champ... Win the day.... Make a difference. All these expectations i have on myself to be super productive all while caring for an infant and really taking care of a lot of things around home. Im ready to give all my posessions away... Again.... To live a free and exhilirating life full of excitement and adventure all while being responsible somehow at the same time.... Its hard because i really want to plant roots somewhere and make a ho...
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by on June 6, 2017
Its been a while since I wrote probably have a few of you hanging on wondering what happened since my last post a few months ago. I started telling my story of what I had been through in 2016 and we're already half three 2017 now so I'm just going to give a quick synopsis of last year and if anyone has any questions I would love to answer them and fill you in a little more on my Krazy Life I love so much but I have been through some s*** for real. So January 2016 I was arrested with my partner o...
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by on December 27, 2016
After our first night in mexico we knew it was imperative to get through as quickly as possibly and make as much time as we could during the day. We coasted through and used our national geographic maps as opposed to GPS or phones... Werent into relying on technology. Surely national geographic is reliable right?? WRONG! Granted this was the first time i had ever used a road map and the first time making this kind of journey. We knew very little Spanish so every time we got lost it was a bit dif...
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by on December 15, 2016
So we hit the road the end of june to search for a new place to establish our home and freedoms we so desperately yearned for. We ditched the phones and acquired national geographic maps for our journey from the east coast through mexico and central america. Getting to the mexican border was the first goal. Driving through Florida panhandle Alabama Mississippi and Texas. Along the way we stopped at a wal mart to get some food... We made salads and had our lunch in the back of our subaru outback ...
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by on December 11, 2016
Many know that i have been through a lot in my life especially the last couple years. I started my journey as an activist in LA 2013 for cannabis and brought the movement to my hometown of florida. Enlightening folks can be tricky sometimes especially if they feel as though they have learned everything. An open mind and acceptance is key to being open to new information. When sharing facts with a person that is under the impression that the facts are opinions we have to tread lightly with our wo...
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by on March 23, 2015
I gotta say for my own self that every time I quit shaving I feel so good then when I go to shave again it’s like a little piece if me dies… Maybe this is the connection with hair in general and how powerful the energy can be in the substances we excrete from our body (dead or alive) there is an emense amount of comfort one finds in their hair on the head but the body hair is shunned? Why is this? R all hairs from one body not the same ?? Why do the scalp ones get to stay but the others r tortur...
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by on March 17, 2015
Well a BIG happy birthday to my meme who has made Honey 4 Hemp possible (along with a ton of other peeps of course) but this woman has seriously given all she could to supporting this cause and my movement ... making my happiness and dreams come true... Thank u soooo much MeME ߙϰߑand happy birthday!!հߎɢܨ AND Happy St Pattys day I am sure everyone will be celebrating their love for all things green in their own way today ߘذߌ Yay!! So glad we just got the ߰ߒGREEN LIGHTڰߒfrom the ڰߌState Board o...
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by on March 9, 2015
ok. We already are so limited here in Florida so getting answers isn't always the easiest thing... Sometimes all we have is the internet, but that's not gonna be good enough when dealing with disabilities, problems, diseases, especially when the FDA butts there snotty little noses in everything and wants to control own and kill people.... Ugh dont get me started on the whole FDA thing, anywho, I am just here to give people info and help them, but apparently trying to help ur community is looked ...
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by on March 1, 2015
As we all kno the road to legalization is no easy one..... We are in a state of desperation at this point in Florida.... There are soooo many people getting sick, convicted, and just overall broken by OUR system! Take this case for instance, Mr. Teplicki is being put on trial..... PATIENT or CRIMINAL!!??!?!? Ok.... I gotta admit it sounds like a lot, but in retrospect 46 plants is really not that many when you consider how many are actually going to produce, then how much THC will be cultivate...
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