Indica Honey
by on December 11, 2016
Many know that i have been through a lot in my life especially the last couple years. I started my journey as an activist in LA 2013 for cannabis and brought the movement to my hometown of florida. Enlightening folks can be tricky sometimes especially if they feel as though they have learned everything. An open mind and acceptance is key to being open to new information. When sharing facts with a person that is under the impression that the facts are opinions we have to tread lightly with our words and sources. Looking for a better way to share my knowledge of cannabis i started a web page. After blogging and building the page for a while i got a brick and mortar to share the products and information with the locals and bring awareness to the hemp industry and the benefits of including hemp in our daily lives. Many accepted this others rejected. Once the cops got wind there was talk of weed around their precious republican conservative town they started harrassing us about our art and our message. Pretty much being forced to close i went a little off grid. Closed the shop in oct 2015 and moved to jamaica for a month. While it was amazing there i ended up back in florida due to financial and moral obligations. My partner at the time and i stayed at my grandmas while figuring things out. We decided a cleanse was in order to detox. So we began the master cleanse. This was my 3rd time doing it and it has been amazing it saved my life and changed me forever for the better getting so much toxins and matter out of my body. So we were on day 6 when we went to the store to get more lemons. On the way back we were speaking amongst oursleves about chem trails govt corruption and gmos... The bus driver had us arrested and they booked me as jane doe in the duval county jail january 16 2016 where i spent 4 days. My mom bailed me out then we spent the next 6 months in court dealing with hearings and waiting for the video from the bus. We were innocent and had done nothing wrong. In that time i found out i was pregnant and began planning a home birth and wanted to get out of the US so we ended up finally getting the video watching it in the court room June 7 2016.... and proving our innocence. Unfortunately the state was unable to just admitantly drop the case so they took off tresspassing and resisting and gave us breech of peace. We took the charge and got out of there. Going to trial meant more time and money which neither of us had. We got a car and prepared our journey to costa rica as i was about 6 months pregnant at this time. Blog to be continued....
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