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Doc Blah

Male Lives in Northridge, California, United States Born on July 2
by on April 28, 2015
Our news section has been really active with great content by members of the 420nurses community. I would like to thank every single member that contributes articles to our news section. If you’re interested in volunteering as a writer DM me so I can help you get started.
135 views 5 likes
by on April 13, 2014
HISTORY is being made today! BLM surrenders to armed Americans and releases all the Bundy family's cattle. BLM announces stand down and intent to exit the area. Huge armed standoff with Americans on horseback, blocking BLM vehicles and demanding the cattle! Mainstream media almost completely ignores history in the making - Full report at Natural News: http://www.naturalnews.com/044695_BLM_surrender_cattle_released_government_tyranny.html
186 views 7 likes
by on January 3, 2014
Instagram was built as a place to share your point of view. Hashtags including the list below are being blocked. Our freedom of speech gets challenged more and more everyday. We need to unite and not allow companies to control our freedom of speech. Please Sign the Petition
185 views 2 likes
by on November 30, 2013
Pro-dab Contest - Looking for the top #Christmas Smoking Picture. So if you have a sexy xmas or holiday picture post it up and have the community vote on your picture. The contest ends on December 25 2013. The prize is an awesome #prodab #vaporizer pen.
54 views 5 likes
by on October 29, 2013
With cannabis legalization spreading, local governments are left with little direction on how to change current policies to reflect the new legal reality. Many questions remain, but authorities in Denver have figured out how to handle one pungent problem: odor complaints. No longer are they handled with criminal investigation. Instead, the Department of Environmental Health uses the Nasal Ranger to determine if an odor violation has occurred. The Nasal Ranger looks like a cross between a radar ...
84 views 3 likes
by on October 17, 2013
We updated our system and it did not transfer all the images. To fix it just re-upload your profile picture.
60 views 0 likes
by on October 17, 2013
Attention: ------------------------------ We will be performing maintenance to our Emergency Power Off (EPO) system tomorrow. While we do not anticipate any interruption in service during this maintenance there is always potential for a power disruption when working on power assets. Maintenance Window: ------------------------------ 10/18/13- Friday morning EST 9am-3pm Reason for Maintenance: ------------------------------ EPO maintenance
26 views 0 likes
by on September 13, 2013
KUSA- Denver police defended their decision to stand down while dozens of people smoked marijuana at Monday's pot giveaway in Civic Center Park. Police said they did not want to start a riot over a petty offense. Hundreds of people lined up to get free pot during the event organized by the opponents of a statewide ballot question over taxing retail marijuana. The measure asks voters to approve a 15 percent excise tax along with a 10 percent statewide sales tax on all retail marijuana purchase...
35 views 1 like
by on September 6, 2013
I use my gmail for everything and I can not believe how scary and how awful this is. I have been using gmail since they gave out invites many years ago to try there beta gmail. I have loved it and recommended it to many people. Today was a day that made me rethink about linking so many services to one provider. I use google voice, google mail, google calendar, google this and that. I allowed google to control my life in such a way. Now that I have lost access to my gmail I can not reset a lot ...
325 views 4 likes
by on August 20, 2013
Contest is Free to Enter! Contest Starts 08/25/2013 at 12 AM @ http://420nurses.com/contest ENDS 10/25 The sooner you enter the better chance you have to win! This is your chance to show off your skills, this contest is open to all current and new photographers. If you’re new to the site contact us and let us know you’re a photographer to upgrade your profile. Girls make sure you have any type of 420nurse gear to enter the contest. This will be a very fun and successful contest so make su...
261 views 7 likes
by on July 1, 2013
Photo: LA County Sheriff Vehicles, via Wikipedia Commons Source : LA Weekly An elderly man was shot and killed June 27 in Littlerock when deputies tried to serve a search warrant for an alleged marijuana grow. The remote rural community is an unincorporated area in the high desert of Los Angeles County. According to NBC4 Los Angeles, deputies entered a multi-unit rural property through an unlocked front door, and when they moved toward a rear bedroom they encountered a man with a handgun. A de...
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by on June 11, 2013
The Meaning of July 10 - 710 We all celebrate April 20th or 4/20. It comes once a year and it’s our national stoner holiday. But guess what? We’ve got another one! With the rise in popularity of “dabs," high-THC concentrates and oils, July 10th has grown in popularity as our new, secondary stoner holiday. If you turn the number 710 (or July 10th) upside down, the word “OIL” is spelled out. A strong consensus is building within in our community that the date July 10th should henceforth be rec...
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