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Female Lives in San Jose, California, United States Born on September 5
by on June 11, 2017
Hi, let me introduce my self: my name is Tara Connaigh. I grew up experiencing a lot of pain and a lot of really poor medical treatment from drs. My health so far has ran into a failing kidney from prenatal kidney failure, asthma, restless leg syndrome, cysts, endometreiosis, anxiety, and migraines. All of which get in the way of higher education and normal jobs. When traditional medicine failed me, I turned to the medical marajuana scene. So far I have been able to sleep, eat, drink water, a...
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by on June 14, 2017
Hi everyone! Just had a photoshoot today and I'm so tired. It's a good type of tired that signifies my body getting back into modeling. I will be working out tomorrow, cleaning, help a friend out, post stuff, and finally sleeping over my boyfriend place after we play gw2. I'm so excited to share the 420 pictures. I also finally feel like I Can have my self-expression back. That's all, stay amazing!
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by on June 16, 2017
We're at the crossroads at a standstill... And where were you when the world was in the fall? I think it was supposed to be a song... I don't really know or remember...
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by on June 16, 2017
So, I am going to be singing (maybe) for a friend's band on a duet. I think these lyrics might be used: I feel you and I wonder if you're even mine Then I look again and in your eyes a familiar pain. I can't let go. You're all that has ever been real enough. The only thing I will fight to keep. Is it over, the struggle we felt? Are we finally at peace? At last are we in a permanent grace...? Waiting on the other singer... This is not finalized.
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by on June 25, 2017
So, now that I have my own place, I can finally start growing. I am excited and scared all at once. Sure, I have grown up gardening normal flowers, but weed? For my first strain, I purchased a Blue Dream for several reasons: 1. It has the properties I need for my medical needs, 2. It is one of the easiest and most durable (so I have read) for first time growers, and 3. I can grow it indoors. I live in an apartment with roomies, my dog, and my cat. The area I live in is the area where they would...
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