by on January 5, 2022
  Have you ever wanted to make a magic 'potion'...? Did you know it's not as hard as you think? There are tons of potions that can be made and consumed the same way you may steep and cozy up with some tea. Yes, teas are really the magic potions we read about in fairy tales! Tea leaves and certain herbs have been recognized for their magickal, as well as medicinal, qualities throughout the ages and can be made into teas or herbal infusions to bring in improved conditions.  Whether or not you cons...
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by on July 8, 2020
So after living in Las Vegas for a few years, I have up and moved back to Colorado, my life is pretty unpredictable in that nature. I am so happy to be back in Colorado. It has only been a few weeks and right when i got back i met up with a best friend of mine. We were originally going to just record some music, we are working on an album, and next thing i knew we were off to a camping adventure. We ventured up to a mountain did some mineing and then the next day we woke up and ventured off to a...
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by on April 3, 2020
I made some  thc brownies, and cookies, and my roomate and i went to the Red Rocks Canyon in Las Vegas Nevada to go on a hike, we brought some weed and some sandwhiches, and water, and we did some cleaning. I like to clean when going on adventures I have done some fun videos with my friends in Colorado and figured this would be a good time to clean vegas and so we made a video which i will upload later but here is an example of a past video ( ) I am sup...
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