by on March 9, 2021

I can't believe I am a 420Nurse Intern!!!!!!!!

Last year I found myself among a dynamic group of women in Albuquerque, NM - I learned they were the Enchantment 420 Nurses of New Mexico. The only chapter in our state. It took us a year to become acquainted (because of covid weirdness). BlueDream_Haze13 and MsTrulyLifted really welcomed me from the beginning as a woman and then a year later as an intern. I have always looked for a place that was accepting of me, my business, and my lifestyle. There was never any judgment, always a welcoming smile, a dynamic group of like-minded women who also smoked lots and lots of cannabis. I had finally found my tribe. 

Over the course of the year, I have been welcomed into this eclectic group of women who are working to remove stigmas surrounding cannabis. They work to empower one another and create a safe social environment. They empower and support each other with endless encouragement and support. I am inspired to encourage the movement and grow with these beautiful women. Even before I was even interested in the 420 Nurses I was always welcomed and respected. These women all work to do better every day, they build confidence and are the best marketing crew in our state. I am thankful for this opportunity to be apart of such an awesome movement and I hope to continue to grow and build my confidence again after accomplishing a 75+ weight loss goal. I am still very much a work in progress, but in the eyes of this amazing group of women I am "perfectly me". 

I can't wait to see what the future holds and I am excited to be apart of such a fabulous movent! Thank you to everyone who has reached out and to those who have genuinely accepted me. I am full of gratitude and look forward to all of what this may bring in this next step in my journey. There will definitely be more to come......... Thanks again for everything all of you 420 beauties!!

Excited, :purple_heart:

Roberta aka Cannabis_Witch_NM

Post in: Activism, Cannabis, Random
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