by on November 2, 2020

Confidence is the sexiest thing you can wear!! Besides our sexy 420 Nurse merch! 

i wanted to make my FIRST 420 Nurse blog about something that I struggled with for most of my childhood and teenage life.

      Body image and self confidence 

I never loved my body growing up. I was the 13 year old with the bubble butt(they were  stank hoes in middle school) I wasn't blonde or the right kind of tan. No blue eyes here mama! I was beautiful but you could never tell me that Around that time!! I would cry when I put a bikini on because I had dark stretch marks on my thighs from a recent growth spurt, so of course that was what consuming my mind. Like I wasn't worthy bc of them(why girl?😩)

MARY JANE has played a huge role in how I came to love my body and have self confidence and self worth.

FAST FORWARD: I'm about 15 and I have met one of my best friends in life. We always take walks to the park and to eat, but today is different. My friend told me she had got some chronic and that I should try it! (For the first time)💨Funny thing is I tried weed for the first time around this time of the year .

so she lites the blunt,takes a few drags and gives it to me . It smells like blueberries and love spell perfume from Victoria's Secret. I take like 3 baby hits and I pass it back.. I feel like smiling. When I get it back I get brave and take 2 huge drags thinking I'm the shit and on my third one I start coughing SUPER HARD! Every cough I can feel my brain tingle. Now I am high. 
seeing the world for the first time with out the blury glasses of stigma. Beautiful trees beautiful stars beautiful ME!
For the first time I wasn't worried about my face and what it looked like.

I wasn't worried about all this shit that would consume my mind. The best part is that weed made me more confident.brought me out of my shell I would just say what I felt with no hesitation about what others would think. In return I could really hear what I was thinking 

What I didn't realize at the time (young and dumb) was that marijuana KILLS YOUR EGO! Ego is something that a lot of people never identify and they think that is who they are. 
This is something I would spend my 20s trying to articulate to my family. But as the story of any Canibis user goes, I was labeled the black sheep. The loser going no where fast. Funny part is some family members still look at my medicine as bad.
But that's ok with me !I have nothing to prove and neither does anyone who medicates with Mother Nature. 
my journey with Canibis hasn't been an easy one but it has been so worth it! Just for what it has done to my life personally and so much more for others! Canibis is the anti ego herb. 

I  â¤ï¸ My medicine!!

I am so happy I said yes to that first blunt! 

Tell me your story about your first time !!! 
this will be a lit conversation!!

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Like November 2, 2020
Amber Lynne
I still remember the intense relief of that first time on Athena's steps, like I went from being surrounded by thumbtacks to being surrounded by pillows! It truly is a magical medicine once you experience it 💚💚💚
Like November 2, 2020 Edited
Love it !!!
Like November 3, 2020
Summer Rain
great blog babe <3
Like November 3, 2020
Thank you hun !!
Like November 3, 2020