by on January 11, 2019
You know that booby trap in movies where the walls are closing in on someone? Ready to crush them under concrete and immense pressure. Yeah that's what crowd anxiety feels like to me. But add in the noise from being next to a speaker at a concert that makes zero sense in your head. People's words just blend together into a booming volume and I feel like my heart is lost. Like where did my heart beat even go? And it's hard to not disassociate at those points. When all I hear above the rumble is this repetitive "RUN!" in my head.
I can deal with other anxiety fairly well cause I know it's usually just me making things worse. Its usually just over thinking and CBT is quite helpful in curbing those negative thoughts. However I can't do this in a crowd. I literally have to find a space that's open, and if not I have to find the bathroom cause that space is more controlled. You have no idea how much of a godsend a family bathroom feels like when you don't think you can keep breathing with people bumping into you. It's hell to have to try to calm yourself while in the middle of a ton of people that could care less.
One of the biggest reasons why I turn to cannabis is to deal with my anxiety as well as my joint pain. It is constantly a struggle to try to be social. I wish I could stay stoned enough to deal with all anxiety life likes to throw at me. But since I can't I do have to avoid places I know will hurt my mind and body.
I hope everyone understands that. Controlling my anxiety is number 1 to me. So I stay away from places where I lack control.
Anyone else have issues with crowd anxiety?
Post in: Health
Topics: anxiety
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